Illustration: Cookie Cutter Cat
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Last Saturday, the amazing folks over on the NoSleep Podcast Facebook Group hosted one of their infamous Q&A sessions and were nice enough to choose me as a guest this time.

The Facebook fans were invited to submit their questions beforehand (or during the stream, via the chat) and the two admins, Kristaand Brooks made sure that those questions were collected in a nicely formatted document, so that I could concentrate fully on talking.

And talk I did!

I talked for about an hour about everything art related, the podcast, and fun ways to die!


Here is the full list of questions answered during the video, quoted verbatim from the Facebook group:

  • Dat art hehehe! Question for Jörn: HOW U SO GOOD BRUH?!?
  • Hey Jörn! What do you do to unwind after a long day?
  • How do you decide which story to illustrate? (Or is it assigned to you?)
  • How did you get involved with the podcast?
  • What is your favorite medium?
  • Has being an artist always been a dream?
  • What were your wildest ambitions?
  • How are you given the assignments?
  • Do you get to listen to the episodes, or do they give you a basic idea of what they want?
  • How do you comb through the episode looking for a story to pick for illustrating? Do you read them all? What are some common elements that lead to you making a choice?
  • What was the most difficult NSP cover art you've ever done?
  • What's different between doing a book cover and doing NSP work?
  • Was there ever a story on the show you heard and thought, wow, wish this was my week?
  • How did you get so good at this?
  • Any chance you’ll go back through some of the older stories and give them an illustration?
  • Assuming you are into comic books, do you have a favorite artist?
  • Do you have any advice for a new artist?
  • If you had to die in a way someone died in a NS story, what would you choose?
  • How can we support your work?
  • What's your favorite musical?

The Q&A was an insane amount of fun to do! Even though talking for extended period of time in my second language was terrifying me something fierce, the amazing support from the fans and the tremendous help from the two admins helped me set my mind at ease pretty quickly.

I would definitely love to do something like this again, and I even entertained some thoughts about maybe doing some more videos about my art for my Patreon!

That's it for today, thanks for everyone who showed up to the Q&A and thanks to all you people reading this. I love you all!


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