
Faith vs. Reason, and Strength Through Vulnerability

For those keeping track, I didn't publish a newsletter last week, so there are two stories that will be linked here, and I'll cut right to the chase talking about them:

  1. The Superpower of Vulnerability
    I used to think that in order to really prove my value, I had to be like Superman—invulnerable. As it turns out, trying to be invulnerable ended up making me a pretty unbearable person to be around. And that just made me feel even less confident and strong. When I finally just stopped trying to be Mr. All-the-answers, the story to find out.
  2. Faith and Reason: Why Can't We Be Friends
    We often think that faith and reason are opposing ways of thinking. But that's not quite right. In fact, the interplay between faith and reason is not only more common than most of us acknowledge, it's also a pretty good way to do some great stuff. 

Other Interesting Ideas

  • Pickle: An Ethics Podcast for Kids

    I have a 4 year-old daugther. In fact, she turned 4 yesterday (which I can't even believe). I've been listening to podcasts with her in the car since she was an infant. Finally, the other day, she asked if there were any podcasts for kids. I stumbled across this one, and it brought our worlds together perfectly. She's a kid, and I spent waaaaaaay too much money getting a graduate degree in philosophy. So now we can bond over this on the way to the grocery store each week. If you have kids, it's a pretty well-done show that manages to be light-hearted but also intellectually stimulating.
  • The Incredible Story of the World's (second) Largest Pearl

    I'm a sucker for a good true story featuring a web of outrageous characters weaved together, and this is one of them. It's a story about what was once the biggest pearl in the world, and the man who became its owner and guardian. There are so many unbelievable moments in this story, and most of them drive home just how badly some people want to be a part of something extraordinary, and how quickly they will believe the craziest of con artists in order to do it. It's a long one, but there is an embeded audio version, which is really well done.
  • 9 Pretty Useful Basic Mental Models

    Being able to think through tough problems is a beneficial skill to have. But which mental models—of the many that have been written about—are the best ones to use? This list of 9, courtesy of Farnam Street, wouldn't be a bad place to start.

A Quote

“Substantially, all ideas are second-hand.”
- Mark Twain
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