"The soul is like a wild animal...and to see a wild animal we must silent quietly for some time, waiting for it to appear." —Parker Palmer
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Last I wrote was a WHILE ago. So many fun things have happened since then!
  1. We got married in Joshua Tree! It was magical, and love filled
  2. My business Topo sold a bunch of work and I got real busy in a way that's been both ah-mazing and like WHOA
  3. It turned summer. WOOT!
So here's a bit about all that. With love - maria
#1 Wedding Stuff

Our wedding was great! I only got truly stressed for 1 hour on Friday of the wedding, when my dad, uncle, cousin, aunt, best friend, and probably 2 other people all converged in one spot when I was simultaneously doing a hair & makeup test to ask me questions, all while I was also trying to figure out an AV issue with our microphone, and in desperate need of a snack. 

But other than that it was CHILL!

Highly recommend #1 having a wedding with only 64 humans. I spoke with them all, #2 having a wedding spread out over 4 days, #3 meditating every day of your wedding. 

Even when I left my bouquet at our casita and had to figure out who could bring it to us before the ceremony, I was chill. YAY!

#2 Topo Group Update 

This is a personal newsletter, so I'll be personal. I got REAL busy with my company Topo growing.

Wait, what you ask? You have a company? Yes, and I've just started talking about it.

Which is probably why I suddenly have an influx of business...I've finally started coming out of the woodwork to share what I'm doing. 

It's been a great lesson to me to not hide so much, and that my friends and network are incredibly supportive of what I'm doing. And to be patient!

So here's a little bit of info! In a nutshell, Topo is a consulting company that's dedicated to helping growing companies build best in class workforces.

That probably sounds nice but gives you no sense for what we actually do, so this IS what we actually do:
  • Create and facilitate workshops on meaningful topics like Accessing & Maintaining Flow 
  • Offer consulting support on Defining Corporate Values and Org Design (who to hire...who to fire...and how)
  • Act as a thought partner on tricky organizational issues
It has been so fun, and I'm learning so much! If you're curious check out my website: and sign up for Topo events updates here.
#3 Sharing Wedding Wisdom
One fun thing from our wedding was that we added in a 2 minute meditation. 

It was SO HELPFUL. We got lots of positive feedback and I already met one couple who was inspired by what we did and added it to their ceremony. 

So....I wrote a little medium article about it, put a transcript on my new Mind Matters Most website, and put the audio file on Soundcloud

Read: "Slow Down! How to add a meditation to your wedding ceremony" (3 min)

Practice: It's a nice meditation, so anyone may want to listen to it. And it only takes 2 minutes! Meditation Link (2:16 min)
Final words!

It's summer! Hope you're spending some time outside. Forest bathing is a real thing. 

Big hugs, as always.

xxx maria 🙋

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