SWOCC Bulletin Email List Sign-up (and website registration)

"Application & Welcome/Info Letter" link

Thank you for deciding to sign up on our email list. You can also access the newsletters at our website.    

Often we have last minute notifications or updates to the info that was in the mailed Bulletin.  You will receive these if you are on this email list.

We are using MailChimp.com mail service, so you can update your email and some other contact info online.  We can monitor this to also make these changes to our master membership list.  If you have a postal address, or any other change that is not on the online form, please send those updates to trustee-membership@swocc.org .

When you click to download, to view the bulletin from the email you receive, you will be accessing the Internet.  If this is a problem, or you have any other problem getting the bulletin, please let us know.

Thanks again,

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