June 21 is the longest day of 2018! What will you do with your extra daylight?

Lawyer Well-Being Newsletter • NJLAP • Summer 2018

For lawyers, Balance  has a special meaning.

The Scales of Justice is an important symbol to Law professionals, representing the opposing sides of a case, weighed out impartially by an often-blindfolded Lady Justice— signifying fairness. But unlike in a legal case, lawyers want their Scales of Life not to tip too much to one side or the other.
NJLAP’s mission is to help lawyers achieve that balance. This newsletter is part of that vision.

Summer, Sunshine and Stress

Ah summer! The time of fun, relaxation, sunshine and … higher cortisol levels? A recent study has shown just that. Previous studies have produced inconsistent results, but this study blames that on variations on the testing process.  So, while this needs more investigation, it does show that stress hormones can be present even when you think it is the “relaxing” time of the year!
 Read the study here
Perhaps the best takeaway from this, is a reminder that during summer’s activities, schedule changes, diet fluctuations and sleep changes,  lawyers should  not skip those well being practices recommended in the ABA’s report, “The Path to Well Being” — whether its is meditation, exercising, laughter therapy, mindfulness or “forest bathing.”
Scroll down for this issue's links.

Remember, no matter what the problem,
you need not manage alone.
NJLAP is a phone call away at 800-246-5527.

 Until the Autumn issue,

Noreen Braman
NJLAP Program Manager & Publications Editor

More Info on Summer Stress

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As always, our email lists and your correspondence with us, are kept completely confidential. We look forward to hearing from you!
What wellness topics are you interested in learning more about? What questions can we answer for you about stress, substance use, or depression? Email us at info@njlap.org and we will answer your question in an upcoming newsletter. And of course you will be anonymous!
A lawyer’s balance

is always shifting.

Humor provides

a handrail.

- Ken Turek, Esq.
One Constitution Square
New Brunswick, NJ
Recovery Corner - Words of Encouragement and Thought Provocation for our Colleagues and Friends in Recovery
submitted each newsletter by an attendee from Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers

Dealing with Challenges, A Definition of Success
In her book Comfortable with Uncertainty, American born  Buddhist nun Pema Chodron presents three commitments  for dealing with painful emotions, fear, addiction and life’s other challenges.
The Commitments are:  Never cause harm to ourselves or others; Help others when we can, and  Acceptance.
In his poem Success, Ralph Waldo Emerson considers living a successful life.

What is Success?
To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty;  To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded.

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