
May 2018: Between #OpenGovWeek and #OGPGeorgia
#OpenGovWeek was a success around the world - and we’ve got a global summit coming up in just under a month. For everything that happened in between, read on!


In this issue:

The 2018 OGP Global Summit Agenda
Open Gov Week in Jordan
A powerful opportunity for open government in Europe
A call for beneficial ownership registers in the European Union
Announcing the first recipients of the Co-Creation Awards
Open Gov Week for #OGPLocal in Africa
Open government initiatives in Latin America, from the OAS Fellows
Open justice commitments in OGP

Plus news from around the world of opengov, jobs, and more

Announcing the Agenda for the 5th OGP Global Summit

By the OGP Support Unit

The 5th OGP Global Summit will be taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia from July 17-19. On the agenda: anti-corruption, civic engagement, and public service delivery. Find out more here.

The OGP Global Summit in Tbilisi, Georgia, is right around the corner! Follow along on Twitter at #OGPGeorgia, or check out the Summit website.

Europe and Open Government - A Powerful Opportunity

By Sanjay Pradhan and Paul Maassen, OGP

Open governments empower citizens to shape and oversee government so it responds to their needs. In this blog, OGP’s CEO and Chief of Country Support outline how governments in Europe can use opengov to deliver for citizens.

Public Registers Across the EU:
The Time Is Right, The Time Is Now

By Robin Hodess, The B Team

More than eighty organizations across the European Union - and beyond - have signed on to a letter calling for governments to sign on to public beneficial ownership registers across the EU. Why did they do this? How can it be achieved? Read more here.

Announcing the 2018 Co-Creation Awards

By the OGP Support Unit

The OGP Trust Fund has announced its first set of awardees to receive funding for participation in and co-creation of OGP Action Plans. Find out who they are - and why they were chosen - here.

Open Government Week in Jordan

By Hayat Center - RASED

In Jordan, hundreds of people participated in #OpenGovWeek events around the country - participating in discussions, lectures, and roundtables on gender, transparency, data, and more. Read more here.

Kenya’s Elgeyo Marakwet County Hosts Africa OGP Convention

By Vincent Bartoo, Elgeyo Marakwet County Government

During #OpenGovWeek, the four African Local participants met in Kenya to talk about commitments, action plans, and ambition - both in their governments and across the continent. Read about it here!

Open Government in Action

By Matthias Jaeger, Organization of American States

The Organization of American States’ Open Government Fellowship produced numerous initiatives on a variety of topics in Latin America - prison rights, blockchain, indigenous rights, and more. Read the briefs here.

Exploring Open Justice

By Surya Khanna, Georgetown University

Open justice commitments account for a limited number of OGP commitments - but there are many ways governments can integrate justice into their Action Plans. Read more here.

Employment Opportunities

Program Associate, OGP Local
The Program Associate will work closely with the OGP Local Program Manager to support the successful delivery of the OGP Local Program. (S)he will help advance the progress of local government and civil society partners in the Open Government Partnership and support the cross-fertilization of the local, national and global OGP work.

Call for IRM Local Researchers
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the local level in a variety of local governments to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.

Call for IRM National Researchers
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the national level in a variety of countries to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.


OGP is proud to announce the two newest Civil Society members of the Steering Committee. Read about them - and the selection process - here.

The IRM’s Gustavo Perez and Denisse Miranda provided a synopsis of lessons learned from the latest round of elections in Latin America in this blog.

OGP CEO Sanjay Pradhan gave remarks on the business imperative for open contracting. Watch and read here.

The draft agenda for Civil Society Day at the OGP Global Summit is available here.


WRI will be hosting an event on the sidelines of the OGP Summit in Tbilisi.

The Centre for Law and Democracy is hiring a Legal Officer.

The Paris Peace Forum has opened a call for governance projects.

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap is hiring in Finance and Communications.


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