Welcome to the WHPC June 2018 Newsletter!
This month we are focusing on ISC High Performance — the largest HPC conference in Europe. Once again we will be in Frankfurt and offering a host of opportunities for women to meet, network, and build their skills to thrive in HPC.
As always, we are also keen to focus on employers and how they can diversify their workforce and support the women and other represented groups that they employ. At ISC we will be discussing microaggression for the first time, in order to help everyone understand the impact it has on the workforce and what can be done to counter it. Read on for full details about all of our ISC events.
Registration for our ISC Evening Reception is now open! Join us, our Anchor Supporter Lenovo, and Diversity supporters PRACE and Leibniz Supercomputing Centre for an evening of networking, food, and of course discussion of future opportunities. It might just be that your next career opportunity is at ISC.
Join Women in HPC at ISC High Performance 2018
WHPC will be sponsoring and participating in the following events at ISC:
BoF Retaining the Advantage of a Diverse HPC Workforce: How to Deal with Microaggression — Wednesday, 27 June, 11:30am–12:30pm, Pikkolo Room, Frankfurt Messe
Reception Networking and Careers Reception: Connecting Talent and Opportunity — Wednesday, 27 June, 7:00–10:00pm at ICI Brasserie, Marriott Hotel, Hamburger Allee
Workshop Diversifying the HPC Community — Thursday, 28 June, 9:00am–1:00pm at Alabaster 2, Marriott Hotel
In our BoF, presented in collaboration with other inclusion groups, panelists will discuss microaggression in HPC: what it is, why it is a problem, and what we can do about it.
The WHPC@ISC18 workshop will once again focus on improving the number of women in the community and highlighting their experiences in order to increase both recruitment and retention. The workshop provides leaders and managers in the HPC community with methods to improve diversity, and provides early-career women an opportunity to develop their professional skills and profile.
Following the successes of our previous ISC High Performance Luncheon Receptions and our careers evening at SC17, we will be holding our first ISC evening cocktail and buffet dinner networking reception this year. WHPC is expanding this event and bringing together companies with women (and men!) who are interested in the opportunities they provide, from job opportunities in a more diverse and inclusive workforce, to products and training that will help you build a successful career and thrive in your HPC role.
Join WHPC and our Anchor supporter Lenovo to discuss working in HPC and brainstorming the difficulties, challenges, and opportunities to improve diversity and inclusivity for everyone. Come get to know the WHPC sponsors who support our mission.
We look forward to seeing you in Frankfurt!
Cherri Pancake Elected ACM President, Vicki Hanson Named CEO
Dr. Cherri Pancake will lead the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) as President beginning this July. The ACM website details Cherri’s journey from anthropology research into her pioneering work in usability engineering for HPC. Cherri was originally a social scientist, and the first woman to be accepted for the graduate program in any engineering field at Auburn University in Alabama. She served as the chair of the SC conference in 1999, and has maintained an active role in organizing the SC conference in subsequent years.
ACM has also named Vicki L. Hanson to the position of executive director and CEO, effective 1 July. Vicki has a long history of service to the computing community, having served ACM as President (2016 – 2018), Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer, among other positions. Hanson is a former Chair of ACM’s Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing (SIGACCESS) and a recipient of the Women of Vision ABIE Award for Social Impact.
Opportunities for Student Participation in SC18 Still Open!
Are you an undergraduate or graduate student who is intrigued by the use of advanced computing capabilities to solve the world’s most challenging scientific, engineering, and data problems? Are you interested in participating in the world’s premier conference for high performance computing (aka scientific computing or computational sciences)?
The Students@SC program will offer approximately 200 students from around the world the opportunity to participate in student-oriented as well as standard conference activities at the SC 2018 conference in Dallas, Texas in November 2018. These activities include professional development workshops, technical talks, tutorials and panels by famous researchers and industry leaders, exploring the exhibits, and developing lasting peer connections.
While the Student Volunteers deadline passed on 15 June, other programs are still available: Experiencing HPC for Undergraduates and Doctoral Showcase Programs both have a 31 July deadline. The programs especially welcome applicants from underrepresented groups, including women, racial minorities, and persons with disabilities.
CarpentryCon Shines the Spotlight on Inclusion
The Carpentries is an organization dedicated to teaching scientists foundational computing skills to further their scientific research. Inclusion has been a key component of The Carpentries culture from the beginning. And their inaugural CarpentryCon conference was no exception to this rule.
During this conference, held at University College Dublin in Ireland from 30 May to 1 June, inclusion dominated the agenda. Keynote speaker Valerie Aurora from Frame Shift Consulting kicked off the event with a compelling talk encouraging a focus on allies as key players in inclusivity. Anelda van der Walt shared her keynote presentation, entitled “It Takes a Village,” with her collaborators in building a strong African Carpentries community.
The Carpentries community is expanding to include a new curriculum on basic HPC skills, which is still in the development stage.
Opportunities in HPC
Make sure you stay in touch with what WHPC is doing each month between newsletters.
Last month’s posts:
If you are looking for your next opportunity, be sure to keep an eye on the WHPC Resources page, where we list new job opportunities in the HPC sector from around the world.
Open Positions:
Assistant Research Programmer | Research Programmer | Senior Research Programmer – University of Illinois @Urbana-Champaign National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) – Urbana, Illinois, USA
Research Computing Facility Service Manager – University of Illinois @Urbana-Champaign National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) – Urbana, Illinois, USA
System Engineer/Senior System Engineer – University of Illinois @Urbana-Champaign National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) – Urbana, Illinois, USA
Storage Software Engineer – NERSC, California, USA
Chief Security Officer – NERSC, California, USA
Post doc in Theoretical Molecular Physics – University College London, UK
Industry Analyst – Intersect360 Research Industry Analyst, Sunnyvale, California, USA (with the opportunity to work remotely)
If you are keen to recruit a diverse set of individuals to your team, we are currently offering free advertising on the WHPC website and sending relevant job postings to our members.
WHPC does not directly endorse any of these advertisements, nor do we receive any funding for advertising. Our aim is simply to put prospective employers in contact with prospective employees .We take no responsibility for the contents of the adverts or any inaccuracies.
Just the Facts
This is the Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) members newsletter. If you would like to join WHPC and receive this newsletter in your inbox each month and get first access to our events you can join online for free.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or items you would like to include in future newsletters please contact us at info@womeninhpc.org. We are particularly interested in hearing from event organisers or programmes that are looking to recruit women and would like to have their information shared in the Opportunities section of our newsletter.
Previous WHPC newsletters are available on our website.