
A Word from the Director

Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
A lot is happening in TIPTOP, and I’m thrilled to be able share where we are and where we’re headed in partnership with Ministries of Health (MOHs) and Unitaid! As our focus countries in sub-Saharan Africa continue their efforts to introduce community intermittent preventive treatment (C-IPTp), I’m reminded of the magnitude of TIPTOP and what this project will mean for pregnant women and their unborn babies, not only in the target countries but also across the region. Denikary Pascal, a community leader from Madagascar, sums this up perfectly below.
An underpinning of TIPTOP is the integral link between research, implementation—including routine monitoring—and availability of quality assured sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP).  Across each country, baseline household surveys (HHS) in the project areas are providing up to date information about key factors influencing malaria in pregnancy prevention including: IPTp coverage, timing of the first IPTp dose and antenatal care attendance. The infographic below highlights key elements of the HHS process across countries.
As our journey continues, stay tuned to learn more about how each TIPTOP country is paving the way by generating critical malaria in pregnancy evidence for the World Health Organization and setting the stage for long-term sustainability of life-saving programs.

Voices from the field

Community level engagement and ownership is an underpinning of TIPTOP's approach. The commitment of traditional leaders is integral to this.  As one traditional leader puts it:
“We traditional leaders in the district of Mananjary, we make a covenant, that we will be actively involved in protecting pregnant women from malaria...”
Denikary Pascal, tribal chief of Ambohitsara-Est, confirming community commitment and engagement to the TIPTOP project

Meet some of the TIPTOP team members from Jhpiego and Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV)

Maud Majeres Lugand

Research and Access Projects Manager, MMV 

I realized I wanted to work in global health when: I first traveled to Africa in 2004. Visiting primary schools in Mozambique opened my eyes to the fact that so many of these smiling children needed better access to quality healthcare and I wanted to contribute to that.

Hasina Randrianandrasana

Program Assistant, Jhpiego Madagascar

The thing that excites me most about TIPTOP is: being able to contribute to the health of Malagasy women like me. I feel so proud of myself, to be able to help Malagasy women. I am proud to be a Malagasy, proud of all Malagasy women, who even in poverty, have the courage to give birth to some very precious treasures, and not lose hope for the future generations.

Maya Tholandi

Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, Jhpiego

My role on TIPTOP is: To support routine monitoring efforts and the effective use and visualization of data.

The thing about TIPTOP that excites me most is: The targeted focus of the project, its data driven nature, and the explicit linkage of evidence with policy.
Visions from the field
A pregnant woman in Mananjary District, Madagascar being interviewed as part of the household survey conducted by ISGlobal.  See more details below. 
Photo by Mireia Llach Berne/ISGlobal
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