 Philippe and Sophia Viguier

June 15th 2018


- For the album finally published
- For a great Gospel Coalition conference 
- For a great family trip to Moscow
- For the first official service of our 3rd church plant
- For a very enthusiastic youth group at church



- For wisdom in raising up our children 
- For wisdom and God's blessing on our music ministry
- For rest after a very charged school year 
- For God's blessing on our summer projects: worship book, camp, etc. 
- For France to win the World Cup (of course) 


Bonjour <<First Name>>!


Worship at the Gospel Coalition

The dream came true. And it was awesome. Leading worship to over 700 pastors and church leaders from all over the French speaking world. These moments will never be forgotten. Accompanied by a Christian orchestra from London (All Souls Orchestra), I had the great privilege to co-conduct the 6 sessions of worship at the conference. Praise God the feedback was very positive and God’s people were encouraged. In two years we will be joining our voices with the Gettys.


First album published with Hymnes21  

The conference was also the time to release for free our first album of French worship songs, featuring some great hymns with new translations (Be Thou my vision, Come Thou Fount, Here is Love, Jesus Paid it All) and some original songs. The album was recorded and mixed in our apartment which was a new challenge for us. We’re thankful for its positive reception. You can download it for free on this link. If you like it or know some French speaking people who might enjoy it, please do pass it around!

The future of our music ministry 

At the conference we were able to sing many of our original translations, including songs from the Gettys. It was a real challenge to get the rights to publish an official translation, but the relationship and trust we developed will allow us to publish many more. Our music platform got a lot of visibility and many partnerships are in the making for the production of future resources. We need much wisdom for this, as the ministry is clearly needed, growing quickly, and we are limited in the investment we can give.

Family update

We left France last week to visit Philippe’s brother and his family in Moscow, Russia. Fun times ! We were able to spend some time resting after a busy season and enjoy family. Philippe also had the privilege to preach. 


First service 

We are having our first service for our newest church plant this Sunday. Praise God for a motivated team who really wants to make a difference in the city. Praise God for the hotel that accepted to host us at a reasonable price. With over 40 people including children we can no longer be a house church. 


Summer projects 

This summer we will be able to travel some to visit Philippe’s family and also lead a family camp for a week near the French Alps. We pray for time and wisdom for Philippe to finish his book on worship. 
For the first time in the history of our church, we have started an adult Sunday school to go through the fundamentals of the faith with new believers. It is exciting! We thank God for a growing Church and for all the converts we have been seeing lately.  We had 3 baptisms this Sunday!

Clarice's best friend this week : Doc Mays!


For more frequent and precise prayer updates, join our prayer team by responding to this email and letting us know!

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