
Carpentry Clippings, 20 June, 2018 

Highlights from the Carpentries Community Calendar

Keynote Address at BOSC
The Carpentries’ Executive Director Tracy Teal will be delivering a keynote address at the 2018 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2018) and Bioinformatics Open Source Conference 2018 (BOSC2018) in Portland, Oregon. GCC/BOSC takes place from 25-30 June, 2018.

Community News

CarpentryCon Reports
Since it wrapped, a number of people (including Carpentries staff) have written up what attending CarpentryCon meant to them. Raniere Silva was early out of the blocks with a write up of his personal highlights including Valerie Aurora’s talk on allies (see her slides) and Greg Wilson’s keynote. Danielle Quinn built a GitHub blog just so she could post her thanks “to the most inspiring people - the Carpentries community”. Rossitza Atanassova of the British Library’s Digital Scholarship team gave a librarian’s perspective on the event. Toby Hodges wrote: “Rather than being an event only for the ‘hard core’ of the established Carpentries community, CarpentryCon was a welcoming and useful event for newcomers too ... So much of the conference was about building and expanding our community.” Read more. Toby Hodges also wrote a summary of the session on lesson infrastructure led by François Michonneau. Danielle Quinn also wrote up her Next Steps in R session with François

Still Time to Give Feedback
Did you attend the inaugural CarpentryCon in Dublin? If so, please complete our Post-Conference Survey about the event as a whole by 25 June. It is still possible to give feedback about individual sessions too - we will use this information to help plan the next CarpentryCon. Tell us about the sessions or speakers who meant a lot to you for Wednesday, 30 May, Thursday, 31 May, and Friday, 1 June.

Report on Our Programs
Starting this year, we will be releasing quarterly programmatic assessment reports (see this blog post for background). These reports will share information about the growth rates of our workshops and instructor training programs, our geographic impact, and other metrics. We are happy to announce the publication of our first report. We’re excited to share this data with the community, and even more excited to hear your thoughts, comments, and ideas. Feedback on this report is welcome. This can include reactions or new questions raised by information shared in this report; suggestions for other analyses or visualisations; code review; or any other comments. Feedback can be shared via issues in this GitHub repo or via email to

Carpentries Listens
The Carpentries want to hear from our community. We are embarking on a virtual listening tour on four themes - Learning, Growth, Community, and Gratitude. You can respond to the first theme (Learning) by tweeting to us or, if you prefer to be anonymous, you can answer through a survey. We want to hear from everyone! Tweet to @thecarpentries using the hashtag #CarpentriesListens, or fill out the anonymous form. Read more.

Subcommittee Activity

Mentoring Call
Support and encouragement mean a lot when you are just starting out as an instructor. Toby Hodges has written a new post calling for discussion session hosts. Hosts run one-hour sessions for new instructors to help them prepare, debrief, and become more confident about teaching. If you have been waiting for a chance to make a real difference in the community, this is it! Read more.

Lesson Maintainers
All hands are welcome at the next lesson maintainers’ meetups on Wednesday/Thursday 20/21 June (depending on your time zone). There are two meeting times on 20 June - 15:00 UTC (check local time) and 20:00 UTC (check local time). Whether you are maintaining  lessons for Software Carpentry or Data Carpentry (or even Library Carpentry!), your input is welcome. See the etherpad for details (or to read the summary post-meeting).

What you may have missed on the blog or mailing lists

Dublin Tweeters

A lot of people tweeted up a storm at CarpentryCon 2018 in Dublin. The Carpentries’ Curriculum Development Lead Francois Michonneau put his R skills to work to graph who tweeted the most, what tweets were liked and retweeted, what words appeared most often (“Community” no real surprise!), and many other interesting facts. Read more.

On Discuss, Tracy Teal has called for interest in organising a Birds of a Feather session at the upcoming SciPy meeting 9-15 July (deadline for BoF submissions is 27 June) or getting together for dinner (or both!) Add your details to the meetups etherpad.

Roll Out the Welcome Mat
Also on Discuss, Rayna Harris announced she has created a #welcome channel within the Carpentries’ Slack after reading Stefanie Butland’s post about about the value of such a channel. Introduce yourself or say hi to new people in our community on the channel.


Kari Jordan will be attending the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 24-27 June, 2018, Salt Lake City. Are you going? Add your details to our meetups page.

SuperBaz in New Zealand
Carpentries’ staffers Jonah Duckles and Belinda Weaver will both be assisting at the ResBaz event in Dunedin, NZ on 4-6 July. ResBaz is shorthand for Research Bazaar - three-day skill and community building events that many Carpenters get involved in around the world. The Dunedin ResBaz will offer simultaneous Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry workshops.

Library Carpentry Community and Development Director Chris Erdmann gave a talk to LYRASIS on Building a Data Savvy Community with Library Carpentry.

Tweet of the Week


Papers & manuscripts from and for the community

Community job postings
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