
Watch Gokul Rajaram Defang Difficult Decisions with this System

Gokul Rajaram
A few years ago at our CEO Summit, Gokul Rajaram shared the framework that he uses at Square and Caviar to make the most difficult decisions, all while assigning ownership, being inclusive and coordinating execution among all stakeholders. Rajaram outlined such a powerful, precise framework that we want to share the previously unreleased video of it here

Now you can watch Rajaram's original talk, read the Review article it inspired, or listen to the audio version of the article. Any leader or manager who's seeking a tool to make hard decisions with conviction — especially without consensus — will benefit from Rajaram's carefully crafted system.  

Watch to learn:
  • A simple pneumonic for navigating thorny and controversial moves.
  • Critical questions your teammates and you need to ask yourselves to arrive at what's truly most important.
  • How to rally everyone around decisions even if they initially disagreed. 
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