Before firing up the grill, please take a moment to read this incorporation update.
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Before firing up your grill, please take a moment to read this incorporation update.

First, we’d like to thank all residents of unincorporated Greenburgh who protested Assemblyman Tom Abinanti’s proposed amendment to New York State Village Law. His legislation would have removed the power of communities to decide for themselves their preferred form of local government.

Fortunately, due in large part to your letter writing effort, the state legislature did not take up the bill. So, for the time being, Edgemont, Hartsdale, and Fairview will maintain the same rights to self-governance exercised by New York’s already-incorporated 550 villages for over a century.

As to the petition, the Second Department of the Appellate Division heard oral argument on June 14th. Recall, the EIC followed Village Law by submitting a list of regular inhabitants that was nearly 10 times the legal minimum required to establish a village.

However, Mr. Feiner and his lawyers argued that the EIC’s list remains insufficient. One appellate judge was quick to point out that meeting Feiner’s standard would require the EIC to publicly list the names and addresses of undocumented aliens and all young children in Edgemont. (Click here: and go to the 43 min 20 sec mark of the video.)

We look forward to hearing from the court in the coming weeks and hope to vote in September.

We will update our research as new information is available and keep you posted. Have a cool, safe, and happy July 4th.


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