ABA Mindfulness in the Law Conference
Friday August 3, 8:00-6:00P, Loyola School of Law Chicago, IL
>>Click for more info + registration
A national mindfulness conference for lawyers, judges, and others in the legal profession during the ABA Annual Meeting. Live stream the event or attend in person for 6.5 CLE credits.
Be sure to stop by the LAP table!
LAP @Race Judicata
Thursday September 13th
Join us at the LAP tent for food and fun - no walking/running required! Just hang out, have fun, and tent loiter >>register here
Race at your own pace, we'll be running, walking, and sauntering >>register with the LAP team here (team password: LAP Runners)
LAP is riding the wellness wave - come ready to CHIL-LAP in our Hawaiian themed tent!!
LAP Annual Dinner
Thursday November 1, 2018
Union League Club, Chicago, IL
Keynote Speaker: John J. Cullerton, Illinois Senate President.
Join us in celebration of LAP Volunteers, Supporters, and Clients.
>>Check illinoislap.org for ticket sales info coming soon!
Meet Mel, LAP's Executive Director, Robin Belleau's furry canine. Mel is a 2 year old Malti-Poo who enjoys snuggling with his family, car rides, and policing his back yard. What he lacks in size, he makes up for in personality.
Mel's Wellbeing Tip: dealing with the stress of squirrels in his yard is best done by relaxing outside on the deck and sunning - so get up from behind that desk and take a reset walk ! Sunlight is an immediate mood booster.
Thank you CVLS for the inspiration - check back next time for more #PETSOFLAP
If you missed it, the July issue of the Illinois Bar Journal President’s Page announced ISBA President McCluskey’s initiative to support lawyer success and well-being in the upcoming year. In partnership with the ISBA, LAP is working to support President McCluskey’s important initiative to incorporate well-being and fiscal preparation as essential components of a lawyer’s career.
“Well-being” is rapidly evolving in today’s culture. The ISBA is advancing well-being in our legal community by focusing on the unique issues that lawyers face throughout our careers. Specifically, the newly appointed Health and Wellness Committee, will be activating to:
- prevent destructive behaviors;
- treat lawyers adversely affected by substance abuse and mental health issues; and
- contribute to a culture of well-being and recovery for the long-term vitality of our individual careers and profession.
The ISBA Health and Wellness Committee’s impressive roster is sure to produce a longstanding resource repertoire addressing well-being within the Illinois legal community. Among the impressive and diverse roster of Committee members, will be LAP’s Executive Director, Robin Belleau, Judge Wright, and Dr. Jorgensen. The series of seminars this committee will curate will all satisfy the mental health and substance abuse MCLE requirement, and will focus on well-being and fiscal issues surrounding practice such as the winding down process, selling and buying a practice, and guidance for the overall transition.
Wherever you fall on the spectrum, newly admitted, mid-career, winding down, or retirement – there is a support system available to you in LAP, strengthened through the ISBA’s efforts throughout the upcoming year. You will be hearing more from President McCluskey and LAP as the year progresses, we’re ready to support our profession performing better than ever.
LAP Annual Training a Success
With over 300 people in attendance the 2018 LAP Annual Training is a continued success. The day’s programming was simulcasted between two locations, Carbondale and Chicago, Illinois.
Those who choose to volunteer will contribute to LAP’s mission to HELP, PROTECT and EDUCATE by writing articles, presenting at LAP training's, serving as Peer Support Mentors, among other opportunities. Click for more information about volunteering at LAP.
What’s on the horizon, LAP’s Director of Outreach and Clinical Programming Chelsy Castro, comments on LAP’s direction:
“LAP will continue to push to breakdown the stigma that prevents many of our colleagues from seeking much needed support. In the upcoming year, LAP will be strengthening its connections with judges throughout the state, as well as continue to expand its statewide continuing legal education program, adding a number of new training’s to the curriculum. Moreover, with an office in residence in all 9 Illinois law schools, LAP will be making these important connections even earlier.”
Read the full Annual Training recap on the LAP Blog here.
Meditation/Zen mode not your thing? Having a hard time relaxing?
Sometimes releasing energy via game -centered apps that allow your brain to "burn" through it's extra energy can be helpful; some tried + true game apps:
Word Connect, scrabble type challenges.
Phrase Party, catch-phrase on the go, play with a friend or a group.
Strategically Approach CLE’s – Give Yourself the Gift of Learning
Think about a professional development plan that makes achieving your goals less stressful and (hopefully) a lot more fun! Megan Moore , IICLE's Director of Programs., authors an article about choosing to weave your continuing education into your life in a way that supports long-term success.
>>Full feature on the LAP blog
Total 9.5 CLE credits available to stream 24/7 on illinoislap.org, new this month, 3 new courses:
The Path to a Successful and Satisfying Law Career
Resiliency in the Face of Adversity
Incivility in the Workplace
And much more,
click to read course descriptions