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Bishop Creek Hydroelectric Project Relicensing 

Southern California Edison (SCE) and technical experts from federal and state resource agencies and the Bishop Paiute tribe gathered June 4-7 to kickoff the relicensing Technical Work Group process.
June 4, Bishop Creek Field Visit. The group explored the Bishop Creek Hydroelectric Project area from top to bottom -- stopping at South Lake, Lake Sabrina, and each of the intakes and associated powerhouses below them. SCE also pointed out the campgrounds, boat ramps, trail heads, and other recreational facilities adjacent to the Project facilities. SCE staff described normal operations at each facility and answered questions about potential resource impacts. 
June 5 and 7, Technical Working Group Meetings. Groups met to discuss Cultural and Historic, Aquatic, Terrestrial, Botanical, and Recreation & Land Management Resources. SCE staff presented their current understanding of the existing environment, asking resource experts to share additional data and help identify gaps. The group proposed resource topics of particular interest that could be addressed in relicensing studies. 
What's next? In July, SCE and resource agency leads will have a check-in call. Later in the month, SCE's Relicensing Team will distribute updated draft Pre-Application Document (PAD) sections, and a draft list of proposed studies. A second set of TWG meetings is scheduled for August 14 and 15. A updated study plan schedule, along with milestones in the study plan determination process, will be available on the project website later this month. 
Relicensing is an open and collaborative process that provides agencies, Native American Tribes, non-governmental organizations, and members of the public an opportunity to participate in development of new license conditions focused on the protection/enhancement of environmental, cultural, and recreation resources potentially affected by the Project.   

For continued email updates, visit the Bishop Creek Relicensing website. For any questions or concerns about the relicensing process or the upcoming meetings, email or call 800-257-1048. 
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