Newsletter # 25 August 2011 
Touch The Soul


Dear Friends,

I hope you enjoy the newsletter format, the new look website is also up and running please check it out your feedback is always much appreciated.
Did you know that when you have a Reiki session at Touch The Soul  at no extra cost you have the option of having a double treat as performed in Dr Hayashi's Reiki clinic in Japan.  With two practitioners chanelling the energy the treatment is a more powerful and pleasant experience. Quoting one of our clients: "this is a close as one gets to heaven!"
Some exciting news: Kirsteen McLeish, Reiki Master Practitioner, is completing her studies in Reflexology. To fulfil her case study requirements of 50 treatments she is offering two Reflexology sessions for the price of one. R250 for two one hour treatments.
Reflexology is the technique of applying gentle pressure to reflex areas on the feet to bring about a state of deep relaxation and to stimulate the body’s own healing processes.  It is a natural therapy that can also facilitate more vital energy, help boost the immune system and create a stronger body and a calmer mind.
 Give yourself a treat - call Kirsteen 079 8461 280 Email: for more information.

Wishing you a blessed month of August
Love always


Dancing in the Moment

 “Even when the sky appears at its darkest,
know that the sun shinesupon you, that love surrounds you,
and that the pure Light within you will guide your way home.
So trust the process of your life unfolding,
and know with certainty, through the peaks and valleys
of your journey, that your soul rests safe and secure
in the arms of Spirit.
 So be guided, as many have been guided,
and know the peace of love.”

Change is uncomfortable specially when we resist it, we live in extraordinary times we are being presented with a golden opportunity to face and heal our fears: fear of lack, of unworthiness, of failure, of the unknown etc…  We are being taught to open our hearts and trust life to discern what is important and adds true value, to simplify and find meaning. We are birthing a new way of being and for many this glorious process is not an easy journey and we wish we could somehow escape it. 
“Getting away from it all," many people want that, and of course ultimately the only way to get away from it all is to go within, now.” Eckhart Tolle
What does that mean to you?
When you go inside what do you find? 
Who are you?  Where do you come from?
Why are you here?
Where are you going?
These are the questions we are here to figure out and the theories abound!  I believe that we create our reality through the use of our imagination, thoughts, feelings and deeds.  The question is do we create from a fear-based reality or from a heart based consciousness?
When we go within what do we find the monkey mind or the divine presence? Who runs the show most of the time?

I invite you to imagine what would happen if instead of being afraid and feeling traumatised we were taking the time to appreciate all the changes occurring in and around us. 
If instead of failures there were just miss takes and we valued them as our teachers and had the humility to own them and learn from them.
If instead of blaming others, life and God we claimed our sacred responsibility to lead a caring and fulfilling life.
Imagine a world where you trust that everything is happening for the highest good of all; that life will not hand us more than we can handle.
Where you have an absolute knowing that divine intelligence and compassion never fails to support you and that you are part of that intelligence.
Wouldn’t this make the unknown exciting??  It awakens in me a feeling of joy and enthusiasm and I am grateful to be alive in these extraordinary times. 
We have been given free will; why not choose to go within and find perfection, follow the lead and learn to dance in the moment fully present? When we are willing to surrender our need to know and control we simply flow in harmony with life . Remember practice makes perfect do you need support? Get in touch 



"Why are you so troubled? Let me take care of all your concerns. I will look after them. I take care only when you become capable of surrendering completely to Me. It is precisely for this that I am waiting. When you surrender to Me fully, you will no longer have to worry about anything: Let go of all fear, All distress. You reveal that you do not trust Me; entrust yourselves completely. Surrender means the capacity to distance one’s thoughts from worries, from the various difficulties you have to face, from all your different problems. Hand over all these matters to me and say: “Lord, take care of them. Thy Will be done.” This amounts to: “Thank you Lord, with everything in Your Hands I know that all will work out for my highest good.” Surrender means not having expectations; not being upset if the outcome of events is different than anticipated. When you worry, you show that you do not believe that you are loved and cherished that I am in charge of your lives, and that nothing escapes Me. Do not think about what will happen and how things will turn out; if you give in to the kind of weakness, you show that you do not have sufficient trust in Me. Do you want me to take care of things or not? You simply must stop worrying!  I will lead you only if you surrender completely. And when I have to take you along a path which is different  to that which you’d expected.  I myself will carry you in my arms. Your mind is the cause of your agitation, as are your thoughts and worries,  and that desire to do everything yourself. How often I intervene for both your spiritual and material needs, when you tune to Me inwardly, saying; “Please You take care of this!”
After which you close your eyes and sleep peacefully! But you will benefit only when in your prayers you have entrusted  yourselves fully to me. When in pain you pray for My help, but of the kind you yourselves desire: You do not entrust yourselves to Me, instead you want Me to adapt Myself to your request. You are like those patients who tell the doctor what medicine they need instead of asking him! Do not do this.
Even during very difficult times, say. “Lord I praise You, and thank you for this problem, this need of mine. Please deal with these matters in the way you deem best for this transitory term on earth - You know what is necessary for time.” If you say this sincerely; “Thy will be done,” which amounts to “You take care of this”,  I intervene with My full omnipresence and resolve the most crucial situations, even those that seem impossible. At times, do you have the impression that your misfortune is increasing instead of diminishing? Do not be troubled. Close you eyes and trustingly say these words; “You take care. Thy Will be done. Then I will do just that and when necessary, also perform a miracle. I am thinking of you constantly. I can only help you completely when you entrust ourselves totally to Me. "
Om Sri Sai Ram 



All Women Vision Quest

Mpumalanga, 9am Thursday 3rd November - 6pm Sunday 13 November 2011

Have we forgotten
that wilderness is not a place,
but a pattern of soul
where every tree, every bird and beast
is a soul maker?

Have we forgotten
that wilderness is not a place
but a moving feast of stars,
footprints, scales and beginnings?

Since when
did we become afraid of the night
and that only the bright stars count?
Or the moon is not a moon unless it is full?

(From "Wilderness" by Ian McCallum)

The Invitation
This is an invitation to all woman to join us (Theresa Plewman and Judy Bekker) for an 11 day Vision Quest. A Vision Quest is a journey into yourself, a solo fast in the wilderness, where you are held in a safe sacred space by the facilitators. This gift to yourself is about allowing time and space to listen deeply to your internal voice, to allow nature to be your companion.

A woman's life is linked to natural rhythms and cycles from birth to death. Our connection to nature is innate. We call the earth on which we tread daily "mother" and she holds us through the trials and tribulations that makes up our days, weeks, months and years. The moon cycle through its phases illuminating and hiding aspects of oursselves and our lives, reminding us of the push and pull of the tides of love, passsion, beauty and grief.

The Vision Quest offers opportunities for reflecting on, celebrating, releasing or welcoming and event, a life passage, a time. It is a way of seeking clarity or simply deep rest. Throughout the ages people have honoured the phases and acknowledged challenges and changes in their lives by thoughtfully taking time out form their routines for deep listening and reflection. 
For more information visit




1 hour session - R250
Crystal Light Theapy®  
40 minutes - R200
Life Coaching
1 hour session - R350
Touch The Soul Unique Treatment
40mins Crystal Lights Therapy® and
40 mins Reiki  R300


Special Offer

4 Sessions R800
Crystal Light Therapy® 
4 Sessions R600 
Reiki and Crystal Lights
4 Sessions R1000

Life Coaching
6 Sessions R1800


Sole to Soul

2 Sessions R250


Course Schedule

 Level III (ART) Advanced Reiki Training - R1000
Saturday 6 August
9h30 to 17h30
Fees include lunch, refreshments, a comprehensive class manual and a certificate

Usui / Tibetan Reiki Master
Friday 16 - Monday 19 September
Residential Class
Mabula Game Reserve
R3000.   FULL

Christine Recommends


26-27-28 August
Facilitated by John Charles Barlow
If I am because I am and you are because you are,then I am and you are.
But if I am because of you and you are you because I am I Then I am not and you are not.

    Rabbi Mendel
   How do you respond in relationships?
Is it possible to re-work old relationship patterns and habits?
What do you want from your relationships?
What does relating mean?
How do you experience differing views in a relationship?

This is a practical and pragmatic workshop for anyone interested in relationships, whether you are in a relationship or not – or generally wanting to find a working model of understanding the ways in which you relate to others.
Often entering into relationships of various kind leaves us forgetting what was initially important or had value  - we end up questioning who we are and what we want and how we arrived at this point.
This workshop offers an open caring forum, yet respect of private thought, feeling and enquiry Read more

Violet Flame of Transmutation
Thank you for allowing me to share with you. 
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