4for40 Dance Advantage

Just fill out the information below to complete your registration.

The 40-week email course will launch based upon the date you enter for the start of classes. PLEASE select a date at least 2 days in the FUTURE and we can begin sending the 4 for 40 e-motivator emails with your weekly inspirational quote, action assignment, terminology definition, and dancescribe prompt.

Be sure to include your first name, or the name you prefer to be called, or the name of the person who you are enrolling (if it is not yourself) in the Participant's First Name field. Their email (where they wish to receive their weekly 4 for 40 emails), goes in the Participant's Email Address box.

If you are enrolling someone other than yourself, please include your full name and email address (preferrably matching the PayPal or account with which you paid for the course). You will NOT receive weekly emails. These will only be used in the event of an account problem or to notify you of a disruption in our service.

Questions? Feel free to e-mail Nichelle AT danceadvantage.net.
* indicates required
The address of the person who should receive the weekly 4 for 40 e-course email.
Your preferred name or the name of the student you are enrolling
If you are enrolling someone else, place your full name here.
This address will ONLY be used for our records and to contact you (rather than the enrolled student) in the event of an accounting problem or disruption in our service.
We want to be timely! Your course will start when you need it to. If you're not sure of exact dates an estimate will do, but PLEASE select a date at least 2 days in the FUTURE.
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