Back to a Beach City

These are consistently two of the most recommended outings from readers. Everyone in Huntington loves Harriett Wieder!  If you want to find other Huntington Beach parks, I always recommend the website.

Week #7


Lunch: "Ahoy Butterflies"*
*Recipe from Super Healthy Kids blog


Harriett Wieder Park

Word is: there are new restrooms!

Remember to take your time and
don't RUSH on these play outings.


The Summer Edition
of the Nature Rocks!

Activity Guide is out

And I'm a contributor. Download for free.

Did you know?

You can email me anytime with questions or requests!
I'm a real person and love to get feedback from readers.
summer 2011 / week 7

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play trips meet-up?
I exchanged e-mails with a reader last week who thought it would be fun to actually TAKE the Play Trip on the day it goes out. She said: The idea of being ready to go as soon as the post is up is kinda random and exciting.  We know we are going somewhere but it's a surprise! Or maybe on Tuesday or Wednesday if people need to plan in more detail? Send a reply to this email to let me know if you are interested in playing with other park enthusiast/ readers.

circle of moms top 25
So, there's a website called "Circle of Moms" and they are having a vote to determine the TOP 25 SOCAL MOM BLOGS. You can vote on as many blogs as you want, ONCE PER DAY, through August 11th.  I just went through the list and I actually know 19 of the bloggers included on the list!

What do these bloggers "win" if they get the top votes? Exposure. Apparently, Circle of Moms will include them in a roundup that goes out to 6 million moms.  So if you want to spread the word on your favorite blogs (including mine) - give them your vote!

oc foodie fest (aug. 27th)
Are you part of the food truck craze?  The 2nd Annual OC Foodie Fest is set for August 27th.  You can get a Family 4-Pack of tickets for $30, if you buy them ahead of time.  It's from 11:30am-7:00pm, so that's a full day. See what that ticket package includes by clicking here for more info. Read about the event at

comment of the week
"We were there 2 years ago. My daughter loved it. She went to the night time camp too and they went bull frog hunting. The bullfrogs were as big as those turtles. She had a blast. I was there for a conference so I didn't have as much fun as she did!"  Read the post that inspired the comment: Loew's Lake Las Vegas: Go Play in this Desert Oasis

mystery play location
Where is this mystery play location? (I'll reveal next week.)

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