Sunshine Health Care Continues to Shine by offering Patients and Subscribers a periodic newsletter! Each newsletter will feature an informative health article written by Dr. Tiffany Mitchell.

Vitamin D
The “Sunshine” Vitamin

Vitamin D, the “Sunshine vitamin” is essential for a healthy immune system, healthy bones, and also works as a natural anti-depressant. Sunlight stimulates our body to produce Vitamin D, which is essential for optimal health.
Read the entire article about Vitamin D at

The Promise of Alkaline Water

In theory, disease should not be able to manifest in an alkaline environment. Water makes up over 60% of our bodies and the brain is composed of 70% water, so it is very important to remain well hydrated with alkaline water.

Sunshine Health Care provides alkaline water of a pH of 9.5 to all Patients. We utilize an ionizing unit called Tyent 90/90.
Read the entire article about Alkaline Water at

Going Green

Save the planet and save some money.  Car pooling, also known as ride-sharing or lift-sharing, saves money on fuel costs, wear and tear on your vehicle, oil resources and it reduces the associated negative environmental impact. Dr. Mitchell and Sharron Keene, Sunshine Health Care’s Clinical Coordinator, both live in Chandler, AZ, but commute to the office in Peoria every day - a round trip of over 100 miles! By sharing a ride in a smaller, fuel efficient car, both Dr. Mitchell and Sharron each save over $300 in fuel costs per month! That’s a combined savings of $7,200 per year.

According to the SightLine Insitute (single passenger statistics): A small car emits around .59 pounds of carbon dioxide per mile.  A medium car emits around 1.1 pounds of carbon dioxide per mile. An SUV/4 wheel emits around 1.57 pounds of carbon dioxide per mile. So what are you waiting for, to find a carpool buddy visit

Sun Tea Recipe

4-6 of your favorite tea bags
2 Quarts clean, cool alkaline water
Optional - fresh mint leaves to taste

Put 4 to 6 tea bags into a clean 2 quart glass container. Fill with water, preferably alkaline water, and cover with a lid. Place outside where the sunlight can strike the container for about 3 to 5 hours. Move the container if necessary to keep it in the sun. When the tea has reached its desired strength, remove from sun and put it in the refrigerator. You may or may not want to remove the tea bags at this point. I usually don't. You should refrigerate the tea and drink it up pretty quickly - a day or two. It will not keep as well as iced tea made from boiling water.

The secret ingredient in teas are catechins, which are a disease fighting flavonoid and antioxidant. Drinking sun tea has many health benefits and reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Serving the West Valley in Peoria, AZ
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Vitamin D, 5000 IU 60 ct

Product of the Month

Bottled Sunshine Vitamin D, 5000 IU, 60 caps

We Price Match!
Sunshine Health now Price Matches* all competitors on Supplements.
*With proof of competitor’s current retail price. Sale prices and coupons will be honored at our discretion.

Introducing Wellness Wednesdays

Every Wednesday at Sunshine Heath Care Center, patients can come in for free smoothies all day long. In July, we will be offering the “Red, White and Blueberry Smoothie”, containing fruit and veggie powders, no sugar, and organic blueberries mixed with water or almond milk.

Weight Loss Wednesdays

Also, join us from 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM for a Weight Loss Support Group discussion. We all need a little encouragment every now and then!
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