Governor Kitzhaber Press Release
John A. Kitzhaber, M.D.

June 22, 2011

Media Contact:
Christine Miles, 503-559-8795
Amy Wojcicki, 503-689-5324

 Progress on Healthcare Transformation Bill

(SALEM, Ore.) —  Governor Kitzhaber released the following statement after the Capital Construction subcommittee of Ways and Means passed House Bill 3650, the Health Care Transformation bill:
“The Legislature’s action today is critical to ensuring that Oregonians get better health care at a lower cost.  House bill 3650 shifts the focus and financial incentives of our health care delivery system from expensive, after-the-fact acute care to prevention, wellness, and community-based management of chronic conditions. The bipartisan leadership that has brought us to this point demonstrates just how effective we can be at addressing the real issues facing our state when Democrats and Republicans come together.”

