
from the desk of Helen Brahms, ACC

Happy July 4th!! This week we look at some of the trivia and fun that surrounds American Independence Day. Wherever you are and however you are celebrating our wish is that it is a safe and happy time for you. We would love to hear your thoughts on how you celebrate your July 4th weekends. Please click on the facebook link at the top of the page and leave your comments there.

To our troops overseas thank you for your continued work in fighting for the freedom that the forefathers of this great nation embarked on over 230 years ago.

Call us at 818-528-8300 to book your next vacation. Have a great week!

4th in DC
During the 13 years I was living in Northern Virginia we took the metro into DC a couple of years to experience July 4th evening festivities. It was an amazing experience and something that I had never experienced before or since. I also think it is something that everyone should experience at least once in their life. Both times we took the metro into DC and walked up to The Mall and found spots to set up on the hill of the Washington Monument looking towards the Lincoln Memorial. There were thousands of people everywhere! When you looked at the Lincoln Memorial you couldn't see all the steps as they were covered in people. The Reflecting Pool was completely clear of people down each side as this is where the fireworks were launched from.

The 4th of July was a very long and tiring day in DC. It started with a parade then there were concerts on The Mall and on the West Lawn of the Capital and the evening ended with about 20 minutes of fireworks. We never made it into DC for the parade or the concerts. The 4th of July's we went were hot and humid and it was tiring just to get into DC see the fireworks then back on the metro. We had our plan worked out and would catch the metro into DC and walk the few blocks to The Mall and then find our spot on the hill of Washington Monument. We would head in about 6pm and the fireworks started around 9pm. It was a fabulous event for people watching as you had all sorts of people from all walks of life out there milling around, lounging on their chairs, blankets; kids were running around playing. It was like one humongous picnic.

The fireworks would start about 9pm and go for about 20-30 minutes. There were incredible to watch. The first year we went we took chairs but the next year we left the chairs at home and took a blanket to sit on. Much easier to carry! The second year we laid on our blanket and watched the fireworks directly overhead and you could feel the boom deep in your chest as each rocket exploded. It was amazing!

Afterward we then had to walk to the metro with the crowds and shuffle through the metro station to the trains into which we were packed in like sardines. I remember the second year we walked a little further to another metro station and got on there and were able to get seats. Pulling into the main hub was a sight...it was a solid wall of people. The metro ride was only about 20-30 minutes to our stop then another 20-30 minutes to get home. But it would still take us about 3-4 hours after the fireworks ended to get home, but it was worth it!

I know since I have been to the Mall for the 4th, things have changed somewhat. The times I went were prior to 9/11 and since then they have stepped up security, closed a couple of metro stations around the Mall and have gates with metal detectors that you have to go through to get on the Mall. They also have restrictions on what you can and cannot bring onto the Mall. If you are in DC for the 4th, then these slight hassles are worth it to experience a 4th in DC.

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This week's show: Holiday/Long Weekend Ideas

This week's blog: Oh No - It's a Long Weekend! What are we going to do?. Check it out HERE