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The Threat of Nature??

Lois Rain
The ‘Lemon Tree Lady’ Speaks Out About USDA Threats Over TREE (this is NOT satire)

When life hands you a lemon tree . . . the USDA takes it away! And don’t even think of making lemonade with any more trees – they’ll take those too. (read more)

Is Organic Agriculture Really a Threat to the Food Supply?

“I hate organic,” Dr. Scott Merrel says. He’s an insect ecologist who recently spoke on a podcast with Miller McCune news site. He believes the main threat to our food supply is not so much the out of control pests, but the emphasis on growing organic. (read more)

Activist Post
Kirlian Photography Shows Organic Uncooked Food to Have Stronger Energy Fields
Most of us find it common sense that organic food is the most nutrient-dense type of food that we can eat. However, not many consider the measurable energy field of these foods. (read more)

Other Key Articles to Read and Distribute

Global Politics, War, Surveillance

Trader on BBC: Goldman Sachs rules the world
Iran says they might deploy military ships off US East Coast
Madison Ruppert

Turkey Lectures Syria on Killing Militants - Then Kills Militants
British Corporation Mass Murdering Ugandans in UN Sanctioned Land Grab
Sirte Civilians: NATO Committing Genocide
Libya's City of Bani Walid Crushes Rebel Advance
Sanctions: Cut the Globalists Off From Humanity
Al Qaeda LIFG leader Abdul Belhaj writes column for London Guardian!
Tony Cartalucci

The Globalist Empire Strikes Back With Censorship
Ethan Jacobs, J.D.

Digital Currency London Gold Exchange Permanently Closed!
Activist Post

ITV documentary claims Gaddafi funding Irish dissidents
Ruaidhrí O' Conghaile

Domestic Politics, Economy, Police State

EFF’s Petition to Reform the Electronic Communications Privacy Act – Sign it!
Owen Myles

House GOP Move to Hobble Wall Street Regulator
Jeff McCord

New York's Surveillance City Given Authority to Shoot Down Planes?
Activist Post

Corporate Cronyism: Solyndra and Evergreen Solar

A Simple Way to Help Resurrect Hope In America
Rand Clifford

Health, Survival, Environment

AIDS Vaccine Coming Soon -- Experimental Vaccine Led to Censored Deaths
4 Ways to Improve Mental Health and Clarity
Anthony Gucciardi

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration
The Berkey Guy

Please visit the Activist Post Archive to read more than 1,250 other original articles
U.S. Net Neutrality Rules Approved - In Effect Nov. 20th

No More Marijuana Possession Arrests in New York?
CIA Connection to Los Zetas Deaths in Mexico?
Increasing Protests Against War Criminal Dick Cheney
Online Shoppers to Pay California Sales Tax
Surveillance Blimps Make Their Debut . . . Over Ogden, Utah
Will There Be Punishment for NYPD Coward Who Maced Penned-in Protesters?
Door-to-Door Vaccinations Begin

*Highly Recommended AFFILIATE --  Vaccine Education


The system turns violent in "democratic" nations.  This may not seem like good news, but let us explain.  Visitors to our site continue to read our message of peace, love, and liberty -- we will never waver from this.  Increasingly we are seeing peace in action across the globe being met with a violent response, even in supposedly democratic nations like the United States.  We empathize with those who undergo the pain and repression they encounter when merely trying to offer alternative solutions or voice their disapproval.  However, we must realize that whenever the system responds by shutting down websites, macing penned-in protesters, arresting people for dancing at the Jefferson Memorial, or any one of the ridiculous abuses that seem crafted from some dystopian police state novel, we are that much closer to a peaceful world.  The system of oppression must respond as it was designed to respond.  Therefore, the more it shows its true face, the nearer we are to eradicating its rule.  Stay peaceful, stay active, and never relent -- we are clearly moving toward something far better.
Change your dreams.  We came across an excellent article this week that challenges what it means to be American.  We know this might raise some hackles, but if we can honestly think about how our nation was founded -- and how far we have deviated from that original path -- perhaps we can reevaluate what we truly stand for as individuals.  The article is titled Changing Our Illusion of the American Dream.  It makes the case for deciding to choose an alternative route to freedom when current routes have been closed down.  America was created by individuals, rebels, and entrepreneurs.  If you are of this mindset, then it might be worth exploring other countries that share your values and offer you the freedom you are entitled to.  Let us not forget that the founding fathers were expatriates; they decided that it was better to withdraw from the corrupt system of oppression that they were living under in England, set sail, and establish something new.  This path is not for everyone, but this article is very much worth reading and distributing as a topic for serious discussion, as the American government is inverting nearly all that the nation was built to stand for.  So, at least ask yourself, where do you choose to stand?
We want to help contribute to the mass awakening that is taking place.  The mainstream media is part of a system that aims to keep people ignorant and unquestioning.  It is essential that information continues to flow from the alternative media, so that opposing viewpoints can be heard.  The global movement toward Internet censorship is troubling.  We are optimistic, though, because history shows that all attempts to oppress free humanity are doomed to failure.  However, we can no longer remain passive; the period of cold, creeping tyranny that legislates its way into power is over.  When oppression reaches this "hot" stage, we need activists.  The next period will be defined by how well we are able to overcome our conditioning and resist what we know in our hearts is the wrong course.  You can become active through education, spreading the word, but, most importantly, practice what you preach.  Tyranny is no match for freedom.

Liberty, Love, and Peace will Prevail!

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