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Extinction Level Events

Eric Blair
Traditional Jobs Becoming Extinct, New Paradigm Needed
Already, Western economies are propped up by jobs that are nonproductive and, in many cases, are destructive.  For example, the war on drugs employs countless people in positions that have proven to be very harmful to society, far more damaging than the drugs themselves.  And yes, ending the foreign wars will save trillions in government spending, but it will also bring millions of unemployed vets and contractors back into the workforce.  Furthermore, if all of the complicated games were halted on Wall Street, we'd likely face an extinction level event for "traditional' jobs.  (read more)

Brandon Turbeville
Can Prince Charles Save Humans From Extinction?
Charles went so far as to say that humanity was now facing a “sixth great extinction event – the continued erosion of much of the Earth’s vital biodiversity caused by a whole host of pressure, from the rising demand for land to the corrosive effects of all kinds of pollution.”  He went on to say that “without the biodiversity that is so threatened, we won’t be able to survive ourselves.”   (read more)

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Economy Enters a Dangerous New Phase

NATO War Crimes Continue to be Revealed
U.S. Urges Stronger U.N. Resolution on Syria
Facebook Warns About Political Posts
Probe Into CIA - NYPD Connection
California Hemp Bill Awaits Governor's Signature
Supreme Court to Rule on Age of Big Brother Surveillance

*Highly Recommended AFFILIATE -- Stay Anonymous

FOIA victory will shed light on warrantless tracking of cell phones.  From The Electronic Frontier Foundation: "The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Tuesday (pdf) that the government must turn over information from criminal prosecutions in which federal law enforcement agencies obtained cell-site location information without a warrant. The suit, filed as part of EFF’s FLAG Project and in conjunction with the ACLU, sought the release of the case numbers and case names in which the government had tracked the location of a person’s cell phone without obtaining a warrant.  The Court’s decision is the latest victory in the fight to stop the government from tracking citizens’ movements without a warrant. The D.C. court’s ruling follows on the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision to review United States v. Jones – a case challenging the constitutionality of law enforcement’s warrantless tracking of a suspect using a GPS device. The decision also follows the introduction of several bills in Congress that would require law enforcement to obtain a warrant before tracking someone’s location through their cell phone."
Fight against the criminalization of vitamins and supplements.  The FDA seems to be poised to actually implement the draconian legislation that has been installed in much of Europe via the recommendations made by Codex Alimentarius.  Please view and distribute this special call to action by Dr. Mercola to learn about the steps that need to be taken in order to preserve our right to consume healthy products.  The FDA has proven beyond the shadow of any doubt that it is not working in the best interest and protection of the American people, but rather is a regulatory body doing the bidding of the corporations that stand to benefit from their oppressive legislation.  Their actions must be resisted.  Please also read and distribute the fantastic series of articles by author Brandon Turbeville that chart the history of health tyranny embedded in Codex Alimentarius.  This is key information to understand how the super-structure of control has been organized.
We want to help contribute to the mass awakening that is taking place.  The mainstream media is part of a system that aims to keep people ignorant and unquestioning.  It is essential that information continues to flow from the alternative media, so that opposing viewpoints can be heard.  The global movement toward Internet censorship is troubling.  We are optimistic, though, because history shows that all attempts to oppress free humanity are doomed to failure.  However, we can no longer remain passive; the period of cold, creeping tyranny that legislates its way into power is over.  When oppression reaches this "hot" stage, we need activists.  The next period will be defined by how well we are able to overcome our conditioning and resist what we know in our hearts is the wrong course.  You can become active through education, spreading the word, but, most importantly, practice what you preach.  Tyranny is no match for freedom.

Liberty, Love, and Peace will Prevail!

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