September 2011 Newsletter

Welcome to Martha Kisling Fine Art!

Summer is over and there is a hint of fall in the air - at least here in Colorado. Kids are back in school, football has officially started and my painting classes are in full swing. There is something about the sesaons changing that spurs us on - whether it is to pick up that paint brush for the first time, finish that stack of partially completed paintings or try a new technique. I hope that you have found your creative rhythm and enjoy catching up with mine below.

Be sure to check out my blog to see past postings and more of my art and you can also subscribe to this newsletter if you haven't already. Check out past newsletters here.

                                                                                                                Have a great day!!



 Butterfly BusBuCClFree FlyingFree FlyingFree Flying

This is our middle child, Lisa, bungee jumping - thank goodness I did not know about it until afterwards. She will be graduating from the University of Georgia with a degree in Biology & Chemistry in December - brains and guts!

New Open Studio Class

Classes started up the first week of September. I am still teaching Watercolor on Tuesday mornings but have added a new Open Studio Class on Wednesday evenings. Any medium is welcome -watercolor, acrylics, collage, oils, pencil - you name it. Design principles are the same no matter what medium is used and it is my hope that this Open Studio environment will keep the creative juices flowing for everyone!paiotning  

Martha's Monthly Giveaway!

Each month I will draw a name from my list of newsletter subscribers to win a free art giveaway. The winner for this month is Cynthia from Germany - how exciting to mail it overseas!. She received a print of WHITE FLOWERS shown above. Make sure you are eligible by signing up to receive my newsletter--you just might be the next winner!! Go to my blog to

Featured on Etsy

SUMMER SERENADE- original watercolor  - $70
To see this painting and more original artwork visit my Etsy Shop.

Ask About Art
I received an email asking "How do you control the water when you are painitng so that it's not too much - blotting, tapping on water dish, squeezing brush?" I always tell my students that there is no formula for how much water to use with the paint - I am constantly adjusting. I always wet my paints with a spray bottle to keep them moist - then you need less water to get paint on brush. I use a paper towel and often wipe the brush after I rinse it out if I need less water in the brush. You can also wipe it on a towel or sponge. Once I have paint on the brush I do not wipe it any more.
It takes practice and experience but you will soon learn what works best for you and your style of painting. Don't fight the water, let it work for you and your watercolors.

Do you have an Art Question? Email me at

Sneak Peek - New Watercolor Batik

I am getting very excited about my upcoming two weeks in Breckenridge,CO as an Artist in Residence where I will have time to focus on my batiks. Clik here to read more about it.
SOUTHWESTERN POTS - Original Watercolor Batik - 15x21 - $125 - Purchase Info

Creative Journey - Acrylic Collage

I used a 16x20 gallery wrap canvas for this painting. I combined acrylic paints with different colored tissue and rice papers that I collaged on using matted medium as a glue. I went back and forth between painting and collaging until I felt it was done. I continued the paint around the edge of the canvas so it can be hung without framing. It was a creative challenge to do something different than pure watercolor. Click here to see more Collage Paintings.

Empty Easel Magazine - Art Tips

I was very happy to have another article in the online art magazine Empty Easel. The topic was 'How to Jazz up Your Watercolor with Collage'. Click here to read the article. Purchase Info for TULIPS

Available Art

COUNTRY APPLES - Original Watercolor - $60
For purchase info and to see more paintings go to my website.

Available Art

LEAVES AND BERRIES - Original Watercolor - 16x20 matted - $80
here for purchase info.

Available Art

VICTORIAN HOUSE - Original Watercolor on gessoed paper
$45 - click here for purchase info

New Home

LOW COUNTRY was purchased by Judith in Connecticut - thanks!
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