Additional Information Model A, B, & C
Updated 7/22/2020
Model A Option:
If something changes related to COVID resulting in the district transitioning all to elearning we would also transition all students to elearning.
Lutz Prep prides itself on providing our learners with engaging and rigorous learning opportunities. The safety precautions implemented due to COVID-19 will make this physically look different in our classrooms, however it is our goal to make learning feel the same as it has always felt at Lutz Prep.
Students in the brick and mortar building will have their own independent materials, wear masks when social distancing isn’t possible, for the majority stay within their classroom cohort, and transition in a one way format.
This doesn’t mean that they won’t be able to socialize, succeed, grow, be kids, become leaders or engage in fun learning experiences.
We are working diligently as a staff to ensure that our students attending the brick and mortar school are safe, happy, and successful.
Model B eLearning Option:
It is our goal to present all students in both Model A & B with rigorous lessons and learning situations. All teachers and staff at LP want your student to be successful. eLearning students will receive similar hours of an entire school day of instruction at home via their own computer. The state mandates that in order for our school to receive funding for eLearning students, they must participate in the same school day hours as students who are attending the brick and mortar school.
In hopes to provideparents with further information of how an eLearning school day will look, we have compiled this Q & A to address some of the frequently asked questions we have received.
Model B eLearning
Students maintain their enrollment status at LP brick and mortar school
Students attend school online during regular school hours and follow a standard school schedule
eLearning course will match the engagement and rigor of the traditional classroom setting as much as possible
Assessments will be scheduled weekly (as needed) and students will take assessments at the Brick and Mortar LP School building; parents must transport students
Teachers will provide “live” instruction daily utilizing web conferencing technology.
eLearning students will be “tuned in” to the in-person lessons taking place in the classroom
Students can return to school campus second semester if choosing to switch to Model A
Not all Elective courses will be offered through eLearning (No Art or Music)
Parent/student contract to be signed
What does the school day look like?
A mock day could look as depicted below. *Please know that this is not the actual schedule your child would follow, rather to help paint a picture of what participating on a bell or class schedule would look like from home. The following schedule is for informational purposes only.
Mock Elementary School Schedule:
8:00-8:30 Morning Meeting/Leader in Me Character Building
8:30-10:00 Reading Instruction and Independent work
10:00-10:50 Elective Instruction (Student may not be able to participate in some electives)
10:50-11:20 Reading Intervention MTSS Instruction
11:20-11:50 Recess (On your own, Student not participating virtually with class)
11:50-12:20 Lunch (On your own, Student not participating virtually with class)
12:20-1:00 Writing Instruction and independent work
1:00-2:00 Math Instruction and Independent work
2:00-2:30 Math Intervention MTSS Instruction
2:30-3:00 Science Instruction and Independent work
Mock Middle School Schedule:
8:00-8:30 Homeroom/Leader in Me Character Building
8:30-10:00 Block 1
10:00-11:30 Block 2
11:30-12:15 Elective 1 (Elective Choices are Limited)
12:15-1:00 Elective 2 (Elective Choices are Limited)
1:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:00 MTSS Interventions
2:00-3:00 Research
How will on campus assessments work?
Parents will be required to transport their students to school for weekly assessments on campus. Students will schedule a time during the school day to come onto campus for their proctored assessments. The student will be required to wear a face mask when social distancing is not possible. Assessment areas will be located both outdoors or indoors. Students coming onto campus to complete assessments will be in a separate location from students learning in school. They will not be interacting with students attending the brick and mortar school.
Lutz Prep elearning students will engage in the rigorous learning happening daily in the brick and mortar from the safety of their own home with the exception of coming to school to complete assessments weekly, following the same plan that the district has established for district elearning students.We are currently exploring a new robust platform that could allow for some assessments to be conducted at home, if this becomes a possibility that information and change will be shared.
Elearning students will not intermingle or interact with other students when on campus for their assessments.
We are going to utilize many different isolated locations to ensure that students coming onto campus for assessments are in the safest environment possible. (Outdoors, Empty Lunch Rooms, Empty Classrooms, etc.)
Parents will sign up for a time and day that their student will come onto campus during the school day.
Attempts to test families with multiple students together when possible
Parents will not be permitted into the building when their students are completing their assessments.
A certified teacher will proctor the assessments
Fidelity and Validity are extremely important when collecting knowledge data from our students. Students must all be provided with a similar environment, proctor, and assessment in order to be compared against a norm or grading expectation. Assessments given at home are unable to be considered valid with fidelity due to the varying environments and proctors this situation presents. At Lutz Prep, gathering data is essential to drive our instruction in order to meet our goal of providing rigorous learning experiences to our students.
How long will my student be expected to be on the computer for a school day?
eLearning Students will be expected to attend via computer for all learning blocks throughout the entire school day.
What will my student be expected to wear?
eLearning students will be required to wear a collared shirt with no logos or writing on it. Students may also wear LP uniform shirts. IMPORTANT: Persons that could also be viewed in the background of the student should also be appropriately dressed.
What will my student see on their computer screen?
eLearning students will see the teacher, the board, and view the lesson the same as if they were sitting in the classroom. The student will not be able to see and participate with students unless the camera is being manipulated by the teacher for instructional purposes.
What will my student do during independent work time?
eLearning students will be working independently virtually as students in class work independently. Virtual work will be collected in the same time frames as in class work is expected to be completed. Will my student interact with students in the brick and mortar school site?
eLearning students will not be interacting with students in the school setting. Students will be able to see, hear and follow along with the teacher virtually.
How will my student’s needs be addressed if he/she is struggling?
eLearning Students who need additional assistance would first receive help virtually through zoom conferences. If the child continues to need further assistance than the parent and zoom instructions can allow, additional steps may be taken.
Will my child’s teacher be only teaching eLearning students, or will he/she be teaching in school students at the same time?
Teachers will have students in class they are instructing while your child is learning from home.
What if my child has a question, how will my student’s questions be answered?
eLearning students will be able to send their teachers questions as the teacher is teaching. The teacher will give time to answer eLearning student questions following instruction.
What is the role of the parent of eLearning students?
eLearning student’s parents will function as the learning coach for their children. The teacher will instruct and provide students with knowledge, resources, and guidance, however the parent will have to aid the student with the practice necessary to master the content.
We are aware that there may be other questions that you have about if Model A or B is the best choice for your family. Please know that we will do everything we can to support your students in either model. At LP we are striving every day to succeed academically, emotionally, and socially. Model C Option:
We have received inquiries on preference options if families choose Model C to withdraw for the upcoming school year. While we understand parents need to make the best decision for their families, we wanted to provide clarification on this situation. Please review below:
Q: If I choose to withdraw my child from Lutz Prep to attend Hillsborough Virtual or another school/learning program, will my child be given enrollment preference for a future year at Lutz Prep?
A: Unfortunately, no. As a charter school, Lutz Prep is subject to the Section 1002.33, Florida Statues, which, among other things, expressly enumerates the types of enrollment preferences that may be granted by a charter school. This list of allowable enrollment preferences does not permit a preference to be given to a student who withdraws and then wishes to reapply, regardless of the reason for such withdrawal. Neither Lutz Prep Administration nor its Board of Directors has the authority to override this statutory provision. Accordingly, Lutz Prep is legally precluded from offering a student an enrollment preference based on that student’s previous withdrawal from Lutz Prep.