Your guide to integrative cancer care
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Get Involved in Our Website Redesign Process!

After months of preparation, we are ready to launch into our website redesign process! We envision a fresh website that will be deeply engaging, effortless to use, and still providing all the science-backed information you rely on from BCCT.

A critical part of our process will be user surveys to help us incorporate features that will make our new site as user-friendly as possible. If you would like to participate, please click the button below to access a submission form. Thank you so much for your support, and we look forward to hearing from you!

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American Cancer Society’s Updated Lifestyle Guidelines for Cancer Prevention

In June the American Cancer Society (ACS) released its updated guideline for diet and physical activity for cancer prevention. A new emphasis on adopting healthy patterns of eating and moving, rather than singling out specific foods, diets or physical activities, aligns with our 7 Healing Practices. Their recommendations for alcohol and meat consumption also have more teeth to them than before.

Our senior researcher, Laura Pole, RN, MSN, reflects on these changes in our latest blog post: Maturing with Time and Evidence: The Updated ACS Lifestyle Guidelines. Learn from Laura's decades of experience in oncology education, and also explore practical ways to put these and other healthy lifestyle guidelines into your anticancer action plan.

Explore Our Resources on Body Terrain and Cancer

Did you know that modifying your body terrain to make it inhospitable to cancer is one of the most important actions you can take? If we use a gardening analogy, cancer is the seed of a poisonous weed and your body terrain is the soil. Many weeds survive better in poor soil, and by building a healthy inner terrain you can deny a cancerous "weed" the environment it needs to thrive.

Read our introduction to body terrain and the tumor microenvironment. Dig deeper to learn about the role of your microbiome and about how thyroid hormones affect cancer (a new article!). And discover how the 7 Healing Practices can help you nurture an inner environment that cancer doesn’t like.

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Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies informs your choices in integrative cancer care. Visit our website to explore summaries of integrative approaches informed by scientific evidence—from herbs and supplements to mind-body approaches—plus resources for finding community and support, and much more.

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