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New French Line Artillery & A Clash of Eagles campaign book comes to PDF / Ebook!

A new wave of releases is on the horizon for your favorite tabletop games, we're building on the French Napoleonics range with more Line-Artilery and have finished our conversions of a few campaign books to PDF/Ebook for you! 

This Week's new pre-orders focus squarely on the French Napoleonics of Black powder with new Artillery and the PDF / Ebook available right now for download.

Stay tuned for more Bolt-Action releases soon..

French Horse artillery batteries of the Napoleonic era had six guns, four 6-pounder cannon and two 5.5 inch howitzers. The Howitzer was the go-to gun ideally used break open formations and fortified locations prior to and in support of an attack. Horse artillery batteries had approximately eighty gunners and a similar number of drivers, all being mounted.
Grab a 6-Pounder!
Have a look at a Howitzer!

New PDF / Ebooks!

These are available right now and don't need to be picked and packed for delivery - start enhancing your games right now!

Within the pages you will discover how Napoleonic armies fought differently from preceding Black Powder armies; including background detail focusing on the campaign, the numerous nations that took part in the campaign, as well as their armies and statistics on over a hundred different troop types.

You will find information on how to reflect Napoleonic battles using the Black Powder rules as well as a few new rules that are pretty standard amongst wargames communities across the globe.

Running alongside this you will encounter numerous national characteristics for France, Russia, Austria and Prussia to name a few, that will give your gaming experience more of a Napoleonic feel.

While this book provides a historical overview of the Stalingrad campaign, its primary purpose is to provide new scenarios, rules, and inspiration to help wargamers bring this bitter struggle to life on the tabletop.

This book covers the southern region of the Ostfront from August 1942 to February 1943 including:

- The opposed crossing of the Don River
- The dash to the Volga river by German mobile divisions - Soviet counter
-attacks against the German cordon of Stalingrad
- The fighting for control of the city of Stalingrad
- Operation Uranus and the subsequent encirclement of the German Sixth Army
- Operation Winter Tempest: Manstein’s attempt to break the encirclement of the Sixth Army
- The final destruction of the Sixth Army

Pre-Orders for Debris, Blood Red Skies, and Victory at Sea still available!!

And not to forget pre-sales of last week's releases are still available from our first planned production run. 

We still have stock available to allocate on release! Click any image below to find out more about the range!

The JU 88C Junkers heavy fighter squadron (as a box of six planes) releases soon - you can also further bolster your collection with Ace Pilot Walter Borchers, who historically flew Me110s with ZG 76 in the early phases of the war, before later becoming part of a night-fighter squadron incorporating Ju 88C heavy fighters late in 1941. 

In contrast, we've also brought into pre-order Soviet Union Ace Mariya Ivanovna Dolina, Deputy squadron leader of the 125th Guards bomber Aviation regiment - who began her career as a volunteer in 1941 and continued to fly well into the 70s!
To compliment our soviet ace, we are also releasing the Soviet Pe-2 bomber as flew by our ace for the first time over the skies of Stalingrad!
A truly remarkable combination for the skies!
Pre-Order Now!
We are continuing to support Victory at Sea this month by bringing to pre-order planes! At the moment we are releasing the F4 Corsair, Junkers Ju-87, Mitsubishi A6M2 and Fairey Swordfish flights for use in your games!
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Perhaps the most important piece of kit for any table - the scenery! 
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