Thank you so much for signing up and devoting your time to this endeavor. We are excited to have you join us!
Today's class will be all about recitativo from important arias that are commonly used in auditions. We will explore style and denunciation, pronunciation, and intent. We will have a few singers present spoken recits as well, and work through them together.
Upon entry into the class, you will be asked to change your name to your full name, as a participant, and include a couple of letters to tell us a bit about yourself. Choose whichever category best describes you, doesn’t have to be exact! You can also put more than one.
YA: Young Artist
EDU: Educator
ST: Student
PS: Professional singer
SNP: Singer, non professional
NSM: Non-singer musician
MT: Musical theatre
OB: Observer
So our examples would be
Lisette Oropesa PS, EDU
Steven Harris OB
If you have made a donation, please put an asterisk (*) next to your name as well so I can acknowledge and thank you.