Welcome  to the 
Saint George Special BULLETIN

Have you heard enough
of bad news?

Well...we always have only good news!

and good news needs to be shared...


They have arrived from Serbia and installation will begin on July 27th


When the famous 19th century Orthodox Christian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky masterfully wrote this most profound statement, he not only preached, but, to a certain degree also demonstrated in his own activity this reunification of concerns common to humanity–at least of the highest among these concerns–in one Christian idea.

Being a  person of faith, he was at the same time a free thinker and a powerful artist. These three aspects , these three higher concerns were not differentiated in him and did not exclude one another, but entered indivisibly into all his activity. In his convictions he never separated truth from good and beauty; in his artistic creativity he never placed beauty apart from the good and the true.

And he was right, because these three live only in their unity. The good, taken separately from truth and beauty, is only an indistinct feeling, a powerless upwelling; truth taken abstractly is an empty word; and beauty without truth and the good is an idol. For Dostoevsky, these were three inseparable forms of one absolute Idea.

The infinity of the human soul–having been revealed in the image of the God-man, Christ and capable of fitting into itself all the boundlessness of divinity–is at one and the same time both the greatest good, the highest truth, and the most perfect beauty.

Truth is good, perceived by the human mind; beauty is the same good and the same truth, corporeally embodied in solid living form.

And its full embodiment–the end, the goal, and the perfection–already exists in everything, and this is why Dostoevsky said that

" beauty will save the world."

We as Orthodox Christians have the calling to display beauty in the times of ugliness, least we forget and loose our feelings for that which is beautiful.  Likewise we are called to be fishermen of men's souls and thus cast our nets into the deep waters..these same feelings of despair, fear, and hopelessness always try to overcome that which is true,good, and beautiful.
It is our hope that we at Saint George's can through the witness of this unique and true beauty offer a differing view of a sometimes ugly world... through our ongoing witness to beauty!


We would like to thank our many donors who contributed and pledged to the second phase
of our frescoe project

Many have asked as to when they can fulfill their pledge to this phase.  One may do so by either dropping it off  any Sunday or you you still feel a bit worried about going out and about you can simply mail it to:
St. George SEO Church-Frescoes
P.O. Box 1725
Monroe, MI 48161


We apologize for not getting out more information...

We haven't stopped services!

We have with the exception of only one Sunday been continuing with our regular schedule. 

We simply ask that COMMON SENSE be used used namely:

1. Please do not venerate "kiss" the icons...simply cross yourself and bow.

2. Keep social distancing.

3. Masks are available when you enter the Church. We are not limiting or restricting anyone from attending...everyone is responsible for themselves.

Should you wish to continue to make donations, you may do so by mailing them to our address which is listed above.

Sunday-August 2,

St. Prophet Elijah

We will be blessing our cars, trucks,and motorcycles as we do every year on the Sundays nearest "Ilindan" St Elijah's day.

This will be done after the Divine Liturgy



Immediately after the blessing, we would like to have a meeting of the Trusteeship as we prepare for the fall and a hope for a return to more normal operations.

When your Church has been around for almost 2,000 years

Have seen it and heard it all...
and we do have something to say!


Come and see, hear, touch, smell, and taste!

Wake up,
join us and smell the incense with your
family here at St. George

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