Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av 5780, July/August 2020

Tuning into Comfort

The attachment of the additional name ‘Menachem’ to the name of this month of Av affirms that ‘comfort’ is an integral part of the month as opposed to just being a month of sadness. This word ‘menachem’ is phrased in the present tense, implying that comfort is planted within this sad month of our Jewish calendar.  

We can tune into this comfort with an awareness that G-d is constantly watching and helping us to deal with our life’s challenges.  Even through despair there is hope, and even in difficult moments we can find the strength and strategies to overcome the challenges and hurdles in our path.

Our Sages have also taught us that even the saddest day of year, the fast day of Tisha B’av will one day become a holiday and therefore they have invested holiday overtones into the prayer service for this.     

The more we understand that Av itself is invested with comfort and the more we internalise the confidence that our ‘Av’, our father in Heaven is comforting us and bringing goodness to our days, the more we will be able to recognise the goodness unfolding.  Coupled with this trust, may the Ahavat Chinam (unconditional love) and the strengthening of our sincere commitment to Torah and Mitzvot during these days bring to the complete realisation the month’s joyful potential. 

What’s happening at the RCWC

Website: We all have to adjust to a new reality and figure out how to find the good in it.  How do we do things differently for a good outcome and venture on a new path in our journey as an organisation that connects, empowers and nurtures women. To reflect our creative changes our website is undergoing a refurbishment and will be a good point of contact for anyone who is interested in the RCWC.  Stay tuned for the announcement in the next few weeks. 

Subscriptions: Now would be a good time to subscribe to our programs for the year 5781 (2020-21) and receive the Elul Program as a bonus.  All programs are adaptable for Zoom and we encourage you to get together for Rosh Chodesh in any way that’s permissible.  Contact us for our introductory booklet.

Current Affiliates: We are continuing our ‘Five Year Plan’, to work in unison as a partnership offering multi-facetted support until you, the affiliate, are ready for that independence.  Together we will move forward creatively expanding our vision and widening our horizons. Contact us during Av or Elul to map out the coming year together.  

Our Affiliate BCOD is celebrating Rosh Chodesh Av at a Zoom event which will be held in memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Slater who loved their Shul and community.  The women have been invited to a ‘help yourself to a cuppa and bring a story to share’ evening.

Register for Elul now:  The choice of programs for every month is varied and can be tailored for your group.  The theme of the Elul program being featured this month by the RCWC is “Lefum Tzara Agra”- According to the effort is the reward. The message of the month of Elul was written by Fegyl Cylich. This message shares the importance of preparing in order to receive the optimal benefit from any experience. This theme is evident throughout different aspects of Jewish life, but especially during the month of Elul as it is the month in which we prepare for the upcoming holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. We also focus on transformation with our program this month understanding that through preparation, self- transformation is possible. Gift for each guest at event:  Small jar of honey

Candle Lighting Project:   RCWC encourages the enhancement of our special Mitzvah of candle lighting with our newsletters (subscribe here), our Facebook page and our weekly WhatsApp broadcast. To subscribe to our weekly candle lighting broadcasts: 

·       Add RCWC +61401612075 to your phone contacts 

·       Confirm that you have saved our name and number to your contacts by sending us a message.

We have car bumper stickers promoting candle lighting and a candle lighting times brochure available by request.

Let’s be in touch:  Do contact us at any time via text or email …. 

…. to become a RCWC Affiliate or become part of the RCWC by volunteering, perhaps by writing a Dvar Torah or sharing your technology expertise? 

…. to share a candle lighting story or inspiration  

…. to notify us of your birthday 

A happy and healthy month of Menachem Av,
Sara Gutnick

On behalf of Rebbetzin Sara Gutnick and the RCWC, Find us on Facebook & Instagram 
Copyright © 2020 Rosh Chodesh Women's Circle, All rights reserved.

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