This week, we sent out the revised Mass protocols, which indicated that public distribution of Communion may move to its regular position in the liturgy. Please note that our primary focus remains on safety. A parish may continue to celebrate Mass with Communion distributed after the liturgy ends if the pastor believes it is safer to do so for that particular parish. A parish's ability to ensure everyone’s safety is paramount.
Assessing Attendance – Please share your numbers
Across the country, dioceses are seeing a range of Mass attendance during this pandemic. We would like to better understand the impact of the pandemic on Mass attendance here in the Archdiocese of Seattle for the month of July. Please complete this short survey by August 1st.
New guidance from Gov Inslee
Governor Inslee announced new guidance around funeral and weddings, which will go into effect on August 6th. Specifically, no receptions are permitted. Additionally, for ceremonies, attendance is restricted across all phases to an indoor capacity of 20% or as many as 30 people, whichever is less.
Phase Chart for Parishes
To help summarize the latest guidance for parishes, the coronavirus taskforce created a chart, which outlines the allowances per phase for Mass, Funerals, Weddings, Baptisms, Quinceaneras, Confirmation, Homebound ministry and church buildings. Click here to view chart with hyperlinks.
Reopening Plan Addendums
Please make sure to send in any addendums to your reopening plans by NOON each Wednesday to Addendums are required for any parish that is considering an outdoor Mass in the event their county moves back to Phase 1.
Where you can find resources
All new resources around the coronavirus will appear on the homepage of the Archdiocese website in the Parish Resources section. Please review the “Coronavirus Updates & Info” box on the bottom right hand corner of the page for the latest.
Missals and Hymnals
We have received several questions about purchasing new missals and hymnals for the new year.
Given the uncertainly around the pandemic, the desire to ensure our people are safe, the lack of singing during Mass and the desire to be good stewards of finances, we do not recommend purchasing new missals at this time.