

Big news from us today, as we say goodbye to Closet Case Patterns and hello to Closet CORE Patterns.

Core = the essential, enduring, innermost part.
Closet Core = the beloved pieces you reach for day after day.
Closet Core Patterns = Who we are going forward: redefined and rededicated to our craft, our community and our mission.

This small business grew out of a humble sewing blog called Closet Case Files back in 2011, which evolved into Closet Case Patterns a few years ago. To be honest, I’ve never loved our name or felt particularly attached to it. I didn’t realize what a huge decision I was making when I named the blog based on a detective pun ten years ago, and it’s nagged at me that “closet case” is an unkind way of describing someone who hasn’t come of the closet yet, even if that was never my intention. Over the years we've debated changing our name many times. It always felt a bit overwhelming, but after doing a lot of brainstorming recently, the solution emerged. Closet Core Patterns struck a chord with us immediately, and I love how changing just two letters somehow changes everything.

With this new name, we are re-aligning with our core (CORE!) values of personal empowerment, inclusivity and creative growth; Closet Core Patterns feels more in tune with our mission. Amy also reminded me that the homonym “corp” is Latin for the body, and in its plurality, “corps” means a group of people united in common activity. Core, corps, CORE. It just feels so right.

Renaming is a huge project and we’re still in the early stages. So far, we've updated our web address, redirected all old links to our new domain, updated logos and changed our usernames on all social media platforms (if you’ve tagged us before on Instagram, your links should redirect to @closetcorepatterns). We're waiting on new envelopes from our printers and will be repacking physical inventory in the coming weeks, although we’re not reprinting tissue or booklets to save paper and reduce waste. Hopefully, within a year we'll be able to reprint all our older paper pattern components, but until then just the envelopes will be updated. We won’t be updating kit packaging until we run out of current stock, which will also give us a chance to create more sustainable packaging in the future (we're trying to figure out biodegradable packaging!) As for PDF patterns, we are currently updating all our digital files with the new logo so it may be a few weeks before those are updated on our server. In the meantime, we are grateful for your patience while we make this transition.

We know mental habits are hard to break, so we’re hoping it won’t be too big of a brain shift to think of us as Closet Core Patterns from here on out. We would be SUPER grateful if you could spread the word by using the hashtag #closetcorepatterns and tagging us with @closetcorepatterns when sharing your makes on Instagram; changing brand names is a huge deal so we really appreciate your help getting the message out there.

Lots of love,

Heather Lou and the Closet Core Patterns team
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2020 Closet Core Patterns | all rights reserved.

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