Dear Parents and Staff,
We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Please take a moment to review the PowerPoint linked below concerning the FLDOE emergency order, school mask policy, reopening plan for Lutz Prep, and answers to some parent inquiries we have received to date.  Please note we have incorporated the Governors Reopening Recommendations as well as the CDC recommendations.  As always, student and staff safety is extremely important to us.
Instructional Model Choice:
The process for scheduling two different instructional models is highly complicated, therefore we are asking that families commit to the model choice for the entire semester. We are taking into account that the public health in our community may worsen. In the event that our local government or the health department deem it unsafe to return to campus, we will make changes accordingly. At this time we are allowing parents to make any last minute changes to their model selection (A or B).  Please complete the Declaration of Intent linked below no later than Thursday, July 23rd.  

Previous parent instructional model selections have enabled us to increase social distancing in the traditional classrooms.
Although we’ll miss seeing these students in person, we both understand and respect the decisions that parents deem best for their child(ren)’s needs.
Student Start Date:
We will continue to update you on any changes. One key change is we have made is to our school calendar to enable us to extend PrePlanning for staff.
Lutz Prep has rescheduled the first day of school for students to Monday, August 24th  and the school year will end on Thursday, June 3rd. 
Starting the 2020-21 school year during the COVID-19 world pandemic, it’s imperative to note that typical policies and procedures are subject to change more than ever.  As standards, protocols and recommendations change, the policies will be updated.

Under this fluid process, administration may enact measures on an emergency basis. Changes to procedures or policies will be communicated as they become available. Thank you for your continued partnership and support!
Partnering with you,
LP Administration
Click here to view PowerPoint
Click here to complete your Declaration of Intent
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