Weekly Ordering Deadline: Mondays at 5 p.m.
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Snug Valley sheep (left) and pigs (right) out on pasture. 
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Dear Friends, 
We thankfully received a decent amount of rain this week and the temperature returned to a more manageable level. It was getting pretty dry and hot. And this week Ben and our summer farm help Brent started mowing hay for second cut and will start baling it today. 

This week's special is on Bacon Ends ($8/lb. Regularly $9/lb.)! With every pork belly that gets transformed into bacon, there are odds and ends that are too small to slice. These delicious morsels are perfect for cubing and sauteeing for salads, omelets, and any other recipe you'd like to make better with bacon.
Please Share Our Online Store with Your Friends and Neighbors!
We'd like to increase orders to your delivery area so if you have a friend or neighbor that appreciates locally grown food and supporting the local economy, please share our online store with them. The more, the merrier.
We are honored to provide you with delicious meats raised right. Thank you for supporting us and our farmer friends.
- Nancy, Helm, Ben, Kelly & Fritz Nottermann
Weekly Special Offer

Bacon Ends
$8/lb. (regularly $9/lb.)

Click to Add to Cart Now


Orders due by Monday at 5 p.m. for home delivery and pick-up at the farm. All orders received after Monday at 5 p.m. will be fulfilled the following week. This gives us time to coordinate products from our partner farms, pack your orders and establish a delivery route.

Wednesdays - Rte. 100 Corridor Loop (Morrisville, Stowe, Waterbury, Moretown, Waitsfield, Middlesex, Montpelier, Barre)

Thursdays - Greater Burlington Area Loop (Charlotte, Shelburne, Burlington, Williston, Winooski, Essex Junction, Cambridge, Jeffersonville)

NOTE: Delivery days are subject to having enough orders in a delivery area. In the event, we don't have enough orders in a given week, we will contact you to schedule a different time.

For orders that do not fall within the Rte. 100 corridor or greater Burlington area, we will schedule a delivery once we have 3+ order within 15 miles of where you live in Vermont. We are doing this so we can cut down our time driving around and to reduce our exposure for all of us.

If you do not see your Vermont town listed above, feel free to email us at and we will see if we can figure out a way to make an order work.
How Doorstep Delivery Works
  1. Order online at Please try to make minimum orders as close to $100 as possible (we understand if it has to be less and can still make the delivery) and we will wait until there are 3+ orders in your delivery zone. 
  2. Pay online. (at this time we are not accepting cash or check)
  3. Leave a clean/sanitized cooler on your porch or near your front door.
  4. We will place your order in the cooler for you to access upon our departure.
How Farm Pickup Works
  1. Order online at
  2. Pay online. (at this time we are not accepting cash or check)
  3. We will contact you when your order is ready for pickup and will coordinate a time with you.
  4. We will place your order in a clean/sanitized cooler for pickup without face-to-face interaction.
  5. Please wear a mask when picking up your order, sanitize your hands before and after your pickup, and please do not enter outbuildings or walk-in freezers.
Place Your Order Here
Food From Our Friends:
Maple, Milk, Cheese, Bread, Salami, Butter, Eggs
These farm-fresh products allow us to expand our offerings and reduce the number of products you have to shop for outside your home while helping to support our farmer friends.
Sweet Rowen Farmstead Milk and Cheese Products
We supply a number of local stores with our products. If you continue to shop, please consider supporting them.
Visit our website for a full listing of all outlets we supply. If you have the means, order takeout or purchase a gift card at any of the restaurants listed.
Snug Valley Farm
All-natural grass-fed beef, pasture-raised heritage breed pork, and pumpkins.

Farm: 802-472-6185
Nancy's Cell #: 802-595-3250
Helm's Cell #: 802-595-9981
Copyright © 2020 Snug Valley Farm, All rights reserved.

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