
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH V9 Issue 2, Friday, July 17, 2020
Declaration of Intent Required for All Students
We have received many inquiries from parents regarding how will social distancing be maintained in the classrooms and how many families chose Model A vs. Model B on the 1st Day Attendance Census.  The results from July 6th are:  80% of our families chose Model A and 20% chose Model B.   

As we have said many times, our local community environment is changing every day and family decisions change which is why we are requiring ALL of our families to complete the Declaration of Intent to finalize your commitment for the 1st semester of the school year.   The declaration must be submitted even if you are keeping the same education model that you submitted on your child(ren)'s census previously.

After reviewing our Reopening Plan linked below, our administration suggests you complete your required Declaration of Intent with the following question in mind:
  • Am I comfortable with my child wearing a mask the majority of the day?  
    While this is a worst case scenario, it could be a reality as we are unable to guarantee students will be able to remain six feet away from each other while in the classroom/school setting.  We have created as much space as possible in each room by removing unnecessary furniture.
The Declaration of Intent, linked below, is required to be submitted for each student no later than Thursday, July 23rd.  
Click here to complete your Declaration of Intent
Click here to view Reopening Plan
Student Start Date
Reminder our new 1st day of school is Monday, August 24th  and the school year will end on Thursday, June 3rd. 

Check back! An updated school academic calendar will be shared on the school’s website
Required Uniform Policy & Handbook Excerpt for 20-21 School Year

Please click HERE to view the full uniform policy from the student handbook that includes detailed charts and visual guides for both tops and bottoms.
PLEASE READ THE HANDBOOK UNIFORM EXCERPT before making uniform purchases.  

Only required to purchase the POLO SHIRT from Red's Team Sports.  All other uniform items can be purchased from any store.

If you have any questions please contact

School Supplies

To view a full list of the 2020-21 School Supply Lists please visit our website under the Campus Life\School Supplies tab to print the list by grade and start looking for those back-to-school sales.
2020-21 Registration Form, Financial Agreement, and Billing Schedule
NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR BEFORE/AFTER CARE REGISTRATION:  You MUST fill out an Extended care registration form in order to be enrolled in Morning care or Aftercare Program.  Please click HERE to visit our website for full details and registration form.
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