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This week sees the start of Ramadan and so we thought it would be appropriate to use a story from the Muslim tradition. We continue our set of stories around the theme “How to be a Peacemaker" with a story from the Hadith. It considers the value of co-operation with others in bringing about peace. As we work together, we build strong cohesive communities.

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How can we be peacemakers? – Islam
All over the world, Muslims turn to the direction of Makkah in Saudi Arabia five times every day to pray. At the heart of the city of Makkah is a building called the Ka’aba. The Ka’aba is a simple black cube structure which the Qur’an says was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. Set within the Ka’aba is a special (or sacred) stone known as the ‘Black Stone’. The origins of the Black Stone are not known for sure, but some say that it dates back to the time of Adam and Eve - or even came from heaven.

This story comes from the Hadith -
stories about the life of the Prophet Muhammad. In it we see how Muhammad managed a dispute about who would carry the black stone when the Ka’aba was being rebuilt.

The Ka’aba

In the days before Islam, the Ka’aba was a site for worshipers of many beliefs. People used to travel from all over to visit Makkah for pilgrimage. When Muhammad was a young man and had not yet been sent revelation from God, the Ka’aba was not in a good state and so the protectors of the Ka’aba, the Quraysh tribe, decided that it should be rebuilt. The community started to collect stones to rebuild the holy house. Many clans contributed to this effort.
When all the stones had been collected and placed, the last thing to do was to put the Black Stone in its place. This was a task of great honour, and each clan in the Quraysh wanted to do it. In fact, some of them wanted this honour so much that a dispute broke out over who would put the Black Stone in its place; two clans even pledged to fight to the death for this honour! A few days later, the oldest member of the Quraysh was at the Ka’aba. He suggested that the first person to come through the entrance of the Ka’aba should be a mediator between the two disputing clans and everyone agreed.
The first person to come through the entrance was Muhammad. He was not yet a prophet, but he was known for his honesty and trustworthiness by everyone.  When he walked in, they all proclaimed, `This is Al-Amin (the Honest one). We all accept him; This is Muhammad.'
When Muhammad reached the area where the clan leaders were gathered they informed him about the dispute. Muhammad thought about the problem, and said, ‘Bring a large piece of cloth and place it on the ground.’ He placed the Black Stone on it and requested that each of the clan leaders hold the cloth from a different side to move the Black Stone to its designated area. And so all of the clans participated in moving the Black Stone. Muhammad completed the final task of placing it in the correct position. The job was completed in a peaceful way.
(This story comes from the Hadith - stories about the Prophet Muhammad’s life)
Follow up questions:
  1. What had originally brought the different clans together in Makkah?
  2. What caused the dispute among them?
  3. Why do you think it was so important to the different clans to put the Black Stone in its place?
  4. What do you think this story teaches us about how we can be peacemakers?
  5. Can you think of any ways to apply these principles to your life?
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