
Fostering community building at Carleton since 1980

OPIRG Carleton (Ontario Public Interest Research Group) is a student-led, student-funded non-profit based at Carleton University. We aim to research, educate and provide action on social and environmental justice using a non-hierarchical and consensus based space for students to organize. 

We're moving... online!

Over the past few weeks, we've been thinking of ways we can support our communities and especially vulnerable populations right now. How can we better support communities targeted by the coronavirus police state and its evolving methods of racial regulation and violence? How can we support people who are disproportionately at risk? What kind of online resources, supports and programming do we need at a time like this?

We're thinking about you and ways to move our services online. And we need your help. By filling out the feedback form linked below, you will be giving us a better understanding on how we can improve our services and make them more accessible to you during the pandemic.

Take the survey!

COVID-19 Ottawa Community Care

Outbreaks can be really scary and really isolating, especially ones that encourage social distancing and self-isolation as a means of safety. Join the COVID-19 Ottawa Community Care Facebook Group, designed to facilitate care and community during this difficult time - and please read all posting guidelines.

Join Now

Sorry, we're closed! But we're still here for you.

A reminder that the OPIRG Carleton office as well as the Carleton campus remain closed. If you're looking for information on resources or programming, or have any other questions, you can reach us via email at and

Did we miss something?

OPIRG Carleton is happy to advertise your virtual community event, webinars, workshops or campaigns related to environmental, economic and social justice. 

Please send events by Monday @ 6 PM to get your events and news in, but late submissions will be squeezed in if there's time.
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