PCP News

May 2020
A Service Providers Guide to Services Open During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The PCP team continue to work with our partner organisations on a range of initiatives to support community health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. A new survey and accompanying report was launched last week to provide up to date important information on the range of services that are open and any service access changes. This information will assist service providers to support vulnerable members of our community to continue to access the services they need during this time. The report will be published fortnightly to reflect changes as they occur. Please complete the survey monkey tool to ensure your service information is able to be shared. If you did not receive the survey please email to request to be added to the database. 
For latest COVID 19 advice

PCP Website 

Information. Resources. Publications.

The website will updated regularly, however due to the daily changes occurring, please continue to monitor for the most up to date source of COVID-19 information.
Be An Active Bystander During Social Isolation

The effects of COVID-19 and its uncertainties are increasing anxiety and stress on ALL our relationships. It may be happening to you, someone close to you, or someone in your community. Sometimes, we know it can become serious and violent. We need to watch out for each other and
pay attention - we still have the opportunity to be effective bystanders. This Information Sheet, developed by Gippsland Women’s Health has some great practical tips on how to support and help those around you.
Seeking participants: COVID-19 Mental Health Survey
Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre (MAPrc) have launched an online survey to better understand and track mental health responses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The research aims to examine resilience factors that promote good mental health and risk factors that contribute to poorer mental health. If you are over 18 and can spare 30-40 minutes to complete an online questionnaire, your input would be much appreciated.  You will have the option to repeat this survey at monthly intervals over the next 18 months. Please follow this link to access the survey.
More information is available on the MAPrc website, including a full explanatory statement.
The survey is approved by the Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee and MAPrc have approval to distribute this globally - so please feel free to share the link with your networks.

Listen to Professor Jayashari Kulkarni introduce the survey.

South Coast Service Providers Network Meeting

To support service providers we are hosting fortnightly networking meetings online via Zoom.

Date: Wednesday 13 May 2020
Time: 10:30 am – 12:30pm 
Venue: Hosted online via Zoom invitation.
Network members will be sent an email with meeting ID and passcode

If you are not a Network member, to register send email to Barbara Look at

South Coast Prevention Team
Working with our community to achieve healthy lifestyles

The Prevention Team were successful in their application for a $50,000 Health Promotion Innovation Grant. One of only four in the State, the 2 year funding is for a community-based social marketing project aimed at Increasing active recreation for older adults 55+, utilising the local natural environment of the South Coast such as beaches, trails and parks. Newfound connections, both social and environmental, will motivate participants to maintain or increase their physical activity to support a healthy lifestyle and living independently for longer.
The project will commence only after COVID19 restrictions have been lifted and we enter the recovery stage. The project will be delivered in partnership with Bass Coast Shire Council, South Gippsland Shire Council, GippSport and the YMCA.

For more information contact: Rebecca Scott, Prevention Manager, South Coast Primary & Community Partnership E:

South Coast Service Providers Network
Social Media Masterclass

16 June 2020
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
This session will now be held via Zoom. 

Only a few places remaining!
Making The Most Of Your Social Media
Masterclass with Mac & Ernie Social Media Training
In this three-hour session you will learn how to connect the dots between your customers and clients and your social media marketing and promotion. Understanding how the channels work, and how your audiences work with them will give you a greater understanding of how to create content that engages and adds value to your audiences. This 3-hour seminar will answer all your tricky Facebook and Instagram questions, give you lots of tips on how to be more creative, help you with time management (staying out of the rabbit hole) and much much more. It’s suited to people who are already using Facebook and Instagram - not for absolute beginners.
Erika McInerney has 25 years’ experience working in advertising and marketing and a proven track record of putting social media to work for business. Over the past four years through Mac&Ernie, she has worked with hundreds of individuals and organisations across Gippsland and other regional areas to teach them #bettersocial and how to fit digital into the marketing mix…comfortably. 
Kindness Campaign
Be kind to yourself, your family, colleagues and community

The Kindness Campaign aims to recognise and spread the kindness being shown across Bass Coast and South Gippsland during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, it is important that people are kind to themselves, their family, their colleagues and their community.
The Prevention Team have developed resources to encourage people to do this by looking after their physical and mental health, eating healthy and staying connected with friends and family. The campaign is designed for our workforce, our volunteers, our clients and the wider community.
A series of Tip Sheets are available on our website (scroll down our COVID-19 page to South Coast Kindness Campaign). Feel free to share the information on your Facebook Page, staff newsletters, emails or website.
If there is a specific issue you would like to include in the campaign please email Rebecca Scott - Prevention Manager - or call Rebecca on 0418 672 135.
Like and Follow us on FaceBook 

For updates on our projects and our latest resources that are also downloadable from our website
VIC PCP is pleased to announce the launch of the
PCP Partnership Capability Framework

The PCP Partnership Capability Framework reflects the practice, experience, lessons and wisdom of PCP staff and partners designing, implementing and evaluating place-based initiatives across metropolitan and regional Victoria. 
Do you live in the Bass Coast?
 Are you interested in an exercise from home program during these times of social isolation?
GippSport are really excited to have partnered with Bass Coast Shire and the YMCA Bass Coast to offer this opportunity to Women over 18 years of age in the Bass Coast Shire.

GippyGirlsCan Exercise From Home Program for Beginners 
The program is a four week supported exercise program, delivered by YMCA Bass Coast, with the aim of helping you get moving at home, increase your confidence and help you enjoy being active. The program is supported by a qualified fitness instructor and will help you stay motivated.
Due to funding conditions the program is targeting Bass Coast women (over 18 years old) only.   There are limited spots so please complete the following survey the best you can by the 8th of May.
Click Here to complete Expression of Interest 
Here is the flyer or you can visit the GippSport FB Post 

The PCP has been supporting local health and community services staff during this challenging time. Members of the South Coast Service Providers Network and South Gippsland Health Service staff recently had the pleasure of participating in a zoom session with Beau Vernon, a local motivational speaker. As many would know, Beau’s life took an unexpected turn 8 years ago. Beau openly shared his story of ups and downs  and how he was able to work through his personal challenges to live a successful and purposeful life. He provided staff with helpful strategies and tools for how to deal with challenges and situations that can feel out of control. The feedback from participants has been fantastic. We thank Beau for working with us to support our local health and community services staff members. 

1800 My Options is a confidential and free phone service that provides information about contraception, pregnancy options and sexual health.
They are working hard to ensure the community continues to have access to reliable information about accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare at this time.
Victorian Volunteer Strategy 

Did you The Victorian Government has committed to develop and implement a Volunteer Strategy to support and enhance volunteerism in Victoria.

Volunteers are a vital part of Victoria’s social, economic, cultural and environmental fabric, and deliver immense value to Victoria – for communities, places and individuals

While Victoria is home to a vibrant culture of giving, volunteers and volunteering are changing. For volunteering to thrive into the future it requires both a bold vision and practical approaches.

We encourage you to share your thoughts by completing one - or if relevant - both of the surveys below.

The surveys will be open until 31 May 2020.

We're pleased to be able to share with you the report 'An Age-Friendly Approach to Disaster Recovery' prepared by Dr Kathleen Brasher for the Age Friendly Northeast Victoria Alliance. This report was launched last week by Dr Helen Haines MP, Member for Indi who stated in her address that "this report is timely, it couldn't be more timely...this report is steeped in society, it's person centered, it's place based and it's values driven." 

The report can be found on the Central Hume PCP website.
Please check directly with all event organisers for status of events

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What's on Metro & Beyond?

Training, Grants & Other Opportunities


Send us your employment vacancies to promote here

Newsletters & Resources

Helpful Web Links

Our newsletter is your newsletter

We have over 300 subscribers to our monthly South Coast Primary & Community Partnership Newsletter. This provides a great opportunity for you to promote your programs, projects and events and learn about what others are doing. Please send anything you would like included to Deb at and encourage others in your network to subscribe. 
South Coast Primary & Community Partnership acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging.

South Coast Primary& Community Partnership

Postal: 33 Murray Street, Wonthaggi 3995
Phone: 03) 5672 2494

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