
Special Edition: World Malaria Day

A Word from the Director
 Elaine Roman, TIPTOP Project Director
Dear Partners, Supporters and Friends –

World Malaria Day is an opportunity to reflect on achievements and underscore what remains to be done.  This year, countries are in the middle of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and simultaneously working diligently to continue their fight against malaria.  In this context, we reflect on our continued commitment to ensuring all pregnant are able to access IPTp and ANC and share gratitude for the continued efforts by community health workers and health care providers to provide services amidst these difficult conditions.

The infographic and brief below highlight the need to remain vigilant in protecting pregnant women from malaria, even in the context of COVID. We have much left to do in the fight against malaria—but projects like TIPTOP are leading the charge!
— Elaine Roman
MiP Infographic & MiP COVID FAQs
A TIPTOP-supported health care provider in DRC and a TIPTOP community health worker in Mozambique. 
Photo credit: Karel Prinsloo, DRC, Kristen Vibbert, Mozambique
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