
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced on Monday that the country's Alert Level 4 lockdown will end until 11.59pm on Monday 27th of April. As Alert Level 3 commences, some businesses can undertake limited activities. If you are getting back to work on level 3, remember to keep a good habits to avoid COVID-19. So here's a list of 7 Steps you can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19.



With the recent widespread of coronavirus, it important for all of us to take the necessary measure to keep us safe from being infected. Take these 7 steps of preventing COVID-19 from the World Health Organization.
  1. WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY. Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
  2. AVOID TOUCHING YOUR EYES, NOSE AND MOUTH. We often touch our faces without noticing it. Be aware of this, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  3. COVER YOUR COUGH. Make sure that you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with the bend of your elbow or with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately into a closed bin and wash your hands.
  4. AVOID CROWDED PLACES AND CLOSE CONTACT WITH ANYONE THAT HAS FEVER OR COUGH. Avoid crowded places, especially if you are over 60 or have an underlying health condition such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart and lung diseases or cancer. Maintain at least 1 metre of distance between yourself and anyone who has a fever or cough.
  5. STAY AT HOME IF YOU FEEL UNWELL. Stay at home if you feel unwell, even with a slight fever and cough.
  6. IF YOUR HAVE FEVER, COUGH AND DIFFICULTY BREATHING, SEEK MEDICAL CARE EARLY- BUT CALL FIRST. Stay at home if you feel unwell, even with a slight fever and cough.
  7. GET INFORMATION FROM TRUSTED SOURCES. Stay informed about the latest information from about COVID-19 from trusted sources. Make sure your information comes from reliable sources — your local or national public health agency, the World Health Organization (WHO) website, or your local health professional. Everyone should know the symptoms — for most people, it starts with a fever and a dry cough.
Source: World Health Organization
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