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Gratitude and Grumbling
scroll down for tips on how to make the most of Sunday worship

Dear Parents, 

About six years ago, we had just gone though a major life transition, moving across the ocean from France to New Jersey. Although we were happy with some of the changes this big move brought about, there was grief too. We had left our community behind, our church, not to mention French bread! Seriously though, we found that more than ever we needed the spiritual discipline of gratitude. We instituted a family ritual, before going to bed each night, we would tell each other one thing that we were grateful for. 

Simple. But life changing. This little habit, did make us happier even through difficulty. Gratitude is one of secret weapons of the spiritual life. But it doesn't mean that there can't be grumbling too.

I love the Psalms because they are such a mix of gratitude and grumbling. In fact, when we think of "grumbling" often there is a negative connotation, as if we should not be complaining about whatever has befallen us. But the Bible is much more realistic and leaves plenty of room for grumbling! God wants all of us, not just the dressed up parts, as we see in the example of David who both gave thanks and complained about the real hardships of living life; relational strife, depression, sickness, fear and anxiety, etc. Consider these examples among many that are found in the Psalms.

"All my enemies whisper together against me; they imagine the worst for me..." and in the same Psalm "Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting" (Psalm 41)

"My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long 'Where is your God?'" and in the same Psalm "By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me" (Psalm 42)

Parents, this is not an easy time. May gratitude and grumbling lead you to Grace, to the open arms of a Father who wants to hear it all.

We are all in this together! Please reach out to me during the week if you have any prayer requests, questions or concerns.

yours in Christ,

If you missed Jazz Vespers, you can still participate and enjoy an hour of beautiful music and a short reflection to renew and refresh your soul. Do that here

Also, if you missed it, check out our Wednesday devotional from this week on the LFPPC facebook page. You can do that here
How to make the most of Sunday worship time
Are you watching the live streamed service together on Sunday mornings? I encourage you to make this a fun and interactive time for your kids. Consider having breakfast together while you watch the service? Get out legos, crayons, paper and play-dough for younger kids. Encourage them to use these tools to respond to things that they are seeing and experiencing in the worship service. You may want to tell them the order of service. You could say something like this -

"First Kim will welcome us all to worship, and then we'll do a Call to Worship. A call to worship often comes from the Bible and is just one of the many ways we worship God together. Then Andrea will lead us in prayer and Frank will give a short message after someone from the congregation reads part of the Bible out-loud." 
Also, you may want to provide some coloring sheets for kids to do during the service. You can find some of those printable resources here Together at Home is a resource from the UK, provides Sunday packs for kids and other resources to help them engage with the Bible.

What's coming up in Children/Family Ministry

Remember, we have a parent prayer group that meet every Wednesday night from 8-9pm on Zoom. Please let me know if you are interested in attending at

Be on the lookout for new Facebook group just for parents. I will be posting weekly videos here for kids and families. 

Remember to check out the website under Children's Ministry for updates and information, including the Family Activity of the Week.

Andrea Chaumont
Director of Ministries to Children and their Families

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