ASEA Flood defence newsletter

Covid-19 update from BMMjv

In these challenging times, we wanted to update you on how we are progressing works on site.

Throughout this project our guiding principle is to do what is right – right for employees, right for our customers, and right for society. 

Following the outbreak of Covid-19 in the UK, the Government announced that key sectors should continue to work. This work included construction of flood defences which were identified as essential infrastructure projects. We, and the rest of our industry, are doing whatever required to comply with the Government’s instruction, with people working for as long as is safely possible.

To help ensure that it is safe for us to operate in the workplace, the construction industry has worked to develop Covid-19 Site Operating Procedures (SOP), which were published by the Construction Leadership Council. These align with the latest guidance from Public Health England. As the health guidance is updated, so too are the SOP to reflect any changes.

We fully understand the challenges of working according to the new Covid-19, particularly social distancing. BMMjv is determined to maintain the highest levels of safety for our employees and their families, our supply chain and our clients, along with the wider public.

Our design team are all full time working from home, and with minimal impact other than those with caring responsibilities. The site-based team also have a large proportion now working from home. 

We are reviewing all site operations and, where necessary, ceasing operations where we are unable to adhere to the guidelines. For example, we have suspended ground investigation works on site, where we considered that we were unable to comply with the social distancing guidelines. We are currently reviewing our procedures and methods for ground investigation to determine if with the correct Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) operations could recommence.     

Some operations, such as vegetation clearance, ecology surveys and intrusive structural surveys are progressing, with the additional measures put in place, such as individual transport.

Our site team are doing a huge amount of work to assess where we can fully comply and where we need to make adjustments and how we do that, including access to sites; food and transport; adopting interim solutions for briefings, recording when people are on and off-site, and how to manage breaks and meals, as well as determining whether the right people are available for work.

The health and safety requirements of all our construction activity must also not be compromised at this time. If an activity cannot be undertaken safely due to a lack of suitably qualified personnel being available or social distancing being implemented, it is not taking place.

This is a rapidly changing situation and we, and projects, will closely monitor, and continuously assess compliance, in the same way all our health and safety policies and processes are upheld.

Should you have any queries then please contact our Public Liaison Officer for the Project at

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