
Not Actively Speaking Right Now? Here's What You Can Do.


Take this time to think deeply about what you want to say. Delve deep into your truth, your expertise, and what you need as a person and as a speaker. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll find.

Women Talk Design speaker and advisor Margot Bloomstein says, “Now… is a good time to say, the world is coming out at you fast right now. If you need to stay in and nurture yourself, nurture your family, and literally and figuratively shelter in place. That’s an OK place to start or continue your speaking career. Now is a good time to pull out of the race and say, “let me find some really good sources of inspiration.”

If you get inspired going hiking, don’t feel like you’re going hiking and not doing what you should be doing. If that’s what you need to do? That’s exactly what you should do because that’s when inspiration will strike.” 

If you listen, you may find that life gives you new talk topics and new truths you wouldn’t have found any other way.

Idea for Action: Keep paper and a pencil with you today. Write down the topics you're most drawn to, as they come up. Are there any worth developing further? What do you need to do? 

Get feedback on your ideas

If you're looking for a more structured environment to work on your talk ideas, join us for our next remote Design Your Talk Topic workshop.

May 11th at 6:00 pm EDT >>

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