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During the current coronavirus pandemic, Next Avenue’s value to readers like you and me has never been clearer. Our editorial team remains in overdrive, working to deliver trusted, fact-based information and resources designed to help us all remain safe, healthy and emotionally well.

How are we able to quickly identify and meet your information needs? It’s because of readers, like you, who have donated to help fuel our journalism service. Their investment is connecting thousands of people to vital information and resources that are necessary to navigate this entirely unprecedented, stressful period of time. 

Will you please join them? We’re working hard to maintain our service amidst a challenging economic climate. Your gift will go directly to fund our service.
Yes, I will set up a monthly gift
I realize it’s a challenging time for many, but if you are able to give, please do and help us continue providing trusted information to those who need it most. 

Thank you for reading.
Be safe,

Colleen Wilson's signature
Colleen Wilson
Next Avenue
Colleen Wilson, Vice President of Digital Publishing, Twin Cities PBS
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