
Hi from Footprints!

We hope that you and your family are well during these challenging days. We are now entering our fifth week of closure, and we miss seeing everyone. After feeling distraught that we couldn't run our sessions with the children face-to-face, the team found Zoom! So, after a big learning curve and a few trials, we have successfully introduced group CE and speech sessions online, and the feedback so far is positive! 

Lauren's speech session with Miriam
Your donations and support genuinely make a difference to the children and parents that attend our centre. Please do what you can to help keep us open.

“My son has been going to Footprints for over a year. He sustained brain damage at birth or shortly after and has a condition called PVL and also cerebral palsy. Jesse needs physio and OT and help from other professionals, but we felt the NHS couldn’t offer enough so we sought help from elsewhere and one place we found was Footprints. It’s been a lifeline for us and has helped Jesse to develop, and helped me as a parent to meet people with children in similar situations to us. We’ve made some great friends.”

“Footprints were just what we needed at a time when I didn’t know where to turn.”

“Thank you for keeping the speech groups going via zoom - it’s been one of the highlights of our week, and I’m impressed how well it works doing it virtually. I’m sure it must be beneficial for all the other families you support too.”

“We were lost. All we wanted was for our little girl to have a happy, healthy life, and several professionals were suggesting that wasn’t going to be the case. It wasn’t until Isla was a few months old and I met another parent at the clinic who told me about Footprints. After our first nervous visit, our world was turned around; every struggle became our next challenge; every hurdle became our next goal. Footprints staff not only taught me how to help Isla with her development but also provided me with the strength and encouragement I needed, to be strong for her, and put me in touch with other families on the same path where we could be strong for each other."
Good to see the children keeping up with their sessions at home!
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Have you heard of the #TwoPointSixChallenge? 

On Sunday, 26 April the nation will come together in a campaign to raise money for the UK charities effectively left stranded during this pandemic. Without this action, the likelihood is that more than 75% of charities (including Footprints) will not survive.

The pandemic is having a catastrophic effect, leading to an estimated loss of £4-billion for the sector. For many charities, 26 April would have been the most critical fundraising day of the year thanks to the London Marathon, the world’s biggest one-day fundraising event which raised £66.4 million for charities in 2019.

This week, we'll be promoting the 2.6 Challenge, the national fundraising campaign set up by London Marathon organisers to save the UK’s charities. We receive every penny that’s donated on the link below, and pages set up from that link. We also receive a proportion of funds from the big pot of donations not allocated to any charity.
Our 2.6 Challenge Just Giving page:
From here, choose to donate, or set up your own JustGiving page for Footprints, and undertake the Footprints challenges (see below) or a physical or creative challenge that involves the numbers 2.6 or 26 on Sunday 26 April.

We need your help more than ever.
  1. Dream up your 2.6 Challenge - either signing or singing, or something more physical
  2. Choose Footprints as your charity, please :)
  3. Ask all your friends and family to sponsor you or make a donation
  4. Remember to use those #hashtags so that we can keep track
  5. Complete your 2.6 challenge!

See our Facebook page - we'll be updating it with challenge activity.
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Online resources 
Families, we've
created a page on our website to hold videos and images
to help you at home.
There's lots more to go on, so please keep checking. 

Here's Seb getting stuck into Chapati making
following Kirsten's online tutorial!
We miss you Footprints!
Help us to #keepfootprintsafloat for these little ones and many others too.
We have been receiving
the cutest photos.
Isla, Archie and Oliver miss Footprints!

We're uplifted by the very recent support shown for our small charity, and we're so grateful!

We are always thankful for the support we receive - that our charity was chosen. We could not exist for our children and parents without such commitment.

-  Thank you Jennie Holland PR for offering valued gift-in-kind support, and for thinking of the small charities who often get overlooked, the lovely Wendy Walker, Ovy Design for our Keep Footprints Afloat graphics, and Olly at Dijitul who hosts our website for free and steps in when help is needed.
- Thank you, Lisa Fox, for your fabulous online auction. Thanks also to Mark, who has generously provided a lot of the items, and all the bidders too; it's been non-stop! 

- Thank you, Luca, (Sarah Vearnal's son) for getting your hair shaved and styled into a Mohican and raising a phenomenal £970!
- Thank you, Francesca Spencer, Max's mum, for singing online for 30 minutes and raising £265, you have the most beautiful voice.
- Thank you, Helen Studholme, for setting up and running our Friday afternoon Children's Quiz, it's very popular!
- Thank you, Beth Fisher, Jesse's mum, for running a 'bring your own wine' online pub quiz for grown-ups and raising £485!
- Thank you, Coop Community Fund Sneinton, for advancing £1600.
- Thank you, Dave Taylor, for fundraising for another half-marathon!

Thanks, everyone, for donating and spreading the word. 
£5,524 raised in total in just a few weeks, and we really can't thank you enough. 

An easy way to Give as You Live - raise funds for Footprints when you do your grocery shop online
Erika sings 'Time to Stay Home' - there's no place like it!
Sending thanks and best wishes from the team - Erika, Kirsten, Abbey, Jo, Karen, Miriam, Nathalie, Emma-Jane, Andrea, Helen, Melissa, Lucie - and me (Eileen) - we're thinking of you!

Please follow and keep an eye on our social media pages for updates:


Footprints is a registered charity - 1093006
Copyright © 2020 Footprints Conductive Education Centre, All rights reserved.

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