
Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Meal Time...

Welcome to Week 16 of 52 Healthy Habits 2020 Edition!  

People who eat at regular times and pack lunches instead of eating out have healthier diets overall, new research suggests.

In a new study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition researchers found that college students who made their meals at home and regularly consumed breakfast and an evening meal, had overall better diets. They avoided fast food and sugary drinks and ate more vegetables and fruit compared to people who did not keep an eating routine. People who ate on the run, or used media while they ate or purchased food often ate less healthily.

When you eat meals at different times rather than on a regular schedule, your body goes into stress mode. For example, when you eat breakfast at 7 a.m. one morning and 11 a.m. the next, your body becomes confused about where its next meal is coming from. This causes the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol lead to spikes in insulin, which causes inflammation and can increase the risk of many cancers.

Create a regular meal schedule and do your best to stick with it. Since life often intervenes when it comes to routines, make a habit of carrying a healthy snack with you at all times, such as a protein bar or an apple with nut butter, to ward off hunger pangs and insulin spikes.

Tips for regular eating

1. Plan in advance the times that you are going to have your meals. It might be hard at first but try to stick to your plan and things will become much easier. (Check out PlateJoy for healthy menu planning help)

2. Don't leave long gaps between your meals. The longer the gap between eating episodes, the more likely you are to become excessively hungry and this may mean that you eat larger amounts of food or calorie dense foods.

3. If you lapse from your plan and eat unplanned snacks or meals, return to your plan as soon as possible.
Reply to this email or post in our Facebook group with any questions you have and I will gladly help.

I'll share some more healthy tips to help you get into the habit of eating at regular meal times more this week in our Facebook group!

This week's email is sponsored by the following.**This email contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Whether you are vegetarian or vegan, gluten-free or keto, catering to specific food preferences is easy with companies like PlateJoy. With menu planning tools and organized shopping lists, PlateJoy makes it simple to eat a balanced diet, cook delicious meals, and make cooking at home healthy and easy!

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Use Code: CARRIEFIT for a discount on all your yoga, fitness, & muscle therapy equipment at ProSource

Get 10% off at CBDMedic with code: cagmedic10

Carrie A Groff

Your Accountability Partner and 52 Healthy Habits Coach

P.S. Don't forget to share in our Facebook Group

P.S.S. Did you know that it actually takes an average of 66 days to form a habit (not the social media 21 days statistic) and some habits take even longer! There was a study done for 84 days and the quickest forming habit did only take 20 days, which was drinking a glass of water after getting up, but other habits like eating a piece of fruit with lunch took twice as long; and the habit of 50 sit-ups after morning coffee was a habit that one participant couldn't form even after 84 days. Walking for 10 minutes after breakfast turned into a habit for another participant after 50 days. 

Previous Healthy Habits:

Week 1: Start with 1 Simple Healthy Habit

Week 2: Raise Your Heart Rate Daily

Week 3 - Take Your Vitamins 

Week 4 - Eat Your Greens

Week 5: Staying Home is the New Going Out

Week 6: Laughter is the Best Medicine

Week 7 - Ditch the Processed Foods

Week 8: Benefits of Deep Breathing

Week 9: Taking a Tech Break

Week 10: Choose Organic

Week 11: Healthy Sleep Habits

Week 12: For a Healthier Immune System - Limit Sugar

Week 13: Poor Posture = Poor Health

Week 14: Portion Portion Portion!

Week 15: Walk for Your Health (and Sanity)
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