Wednesday, April 22, 2020 - Introduction to Acts of the Apostles
Welcome to the Acts of the Apostles; it’s perfect for reading, meditating and praying during the Easter season. Acts is the story of the community of Christians following the Resurrection of Jesus. That’s who the first readers were in about the year 85 AD; that’s who the readers are right now in 2020 AD. We are the community of Christ living, worshiping, serving in the time following His resurrection.
Since the first Star Wars movie there have been quite a few sequels, follow-ups, to the story. Acts is a sequel to the Gospel according to Luke; he wrote both books. Luke was a Gentile (non-Jewish), second generation believer; he came to believe through the testimony of the first generation eyewitnesses to the words and works of Jesus. Luke wrote Acts to show that the ministry of Jesus did not end with the Lord’s Resurrection and Ascension. It was continued and still is continued in and through the life, worship and service of Jesus’ disciples- including us.

As you read Acts pay attention to the footnotes in your Bible, they’re very helpful. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday of the Easter Season I’ll offer some thoughts on the chapters beginning, of course, with Chapter 1 and moving through the book until the closing chapter 28. Sometimes I’ll include a few questions to spark meditation and prayer because God’s Word is not simply words. “God’s Word is living and active” (Hebrews 4,12). To read the Word of God is to experience a personal encounter with the Living God Who is always active in our lives. Welcome to the Amazing Acts of the Apostles!

Homework for Wednesday: Read Chapter 1 
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