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April 2020

Today, we are pleased to launch Open Response + Open Recovery - a new campaign to promote accountability, transparency, and inclusivity in our collective response to COVID-19. Through this campaign, we will be collecting and curating the many resources of the open government community. We’ll be creating guides to help government leaders respond and to ensure civil society has a voice in the decision-making.  And, we will be sharing stories and advocating for our principles as we move through response to recovery. 

You can join us on social media with #openresponse and #openrecovery and by visiting

Open Response, Open Recovery
Building Trust as the Antidote to COVID-19

By Sanjay Pradhan, CEO of OGP 

Combining government transparency and citizen participation and oversight can help tackle three different stages of the pandemic – open response, open recovery, and open reform. Read more in our CEO’s latest piece here.

Open Digital Forum

On May 5, join open government champions during the Open Response + Open Recovery Digital Forum to explore how governments can open up in times of COVID-19. Register for the opening workshop here and learn more about the events happening during the forum here.

Open Walls

As we stare at the walls cutting us off from our communities or courageously fight to save lives and keep essentials available, we could all use some inspiration. Expressions of hope and calls for resilience surround us on the walls and buildings of our neighborhoods, in photos of what's happening in the streets, and in illustrations we've created on our own. Share what's inspiring you here.

Steering Committee Spotlight 

The Steering Committee Lays Tracks for OGP’s Second Decade
Following the OGP Steering Committee Meeting in February, OGP Co-Chair Robin Hodess reflects on the Partnership’s goals for the next three years and urges us to remain committed to open government in our responses to the COVID-19 crisis. Learn more here.

OGP Steering Committee Civil Society Selection
The public comment period for the longlist of civil society candidates for the OGP Steering Committee is open through April 24. Review the list of candidates and share your comments through the form on this page. For a full timeline of the selection process, visit this page.

Launching OGP's 2020-2022 Plan in a Time of Crisis 

By Joe Powell, OGP

Moments like these remind us that the vision and mission of OGP is so vital. As we launch our co-created 2020-2022 implementation plan, our team will continue to assess and adapt our approach and activities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more here.

A New Order for Civil Society Organizations?

By Maria Baron, Directorio Legislativo

In this blog, we reflect on the challenges COVID-19 poses for civil society organizations – from reimagining visions and decision-making processes to retaining donors’ trust. Learn more here

Why Local, Why Now, and What's Next

By Rudi Borrmann, OGP

Over the years, OGP Local members have shown inspiring innovation and practical results, and IRM data has shown that local OGP commitments outperform the global average. Learn about what's next for OGP Local here
Careers and Opportunities

Call for IRM National Researchers
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research in the following countries to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP action plans. Learn more here.

The World of #OpenGov

- Check out Pathfinders and the justice community's recommendations to ensure justice for all during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

- In this opinion piece, learn why it is important to track and understand the investments made in gender equality projects to improve the lives of women everywhere.

- OECD launched a series of articles to open a discussion and gather evidence on the use of digital tools and practices in representative deliberative processes. Learn more here

- Halla Tomasdottir, CEO of The B Team calls on leaders to transform the way we do business and design our economies to again allow for shared prosperity for all.

- Explore how the Seychelles is ensuring that the fisheries in the country remain sustainable, open, and transparent here

- The first part of the OGP Justice Policy Series – Access to Justice – is now available in Spanish and French. Find them here.

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