Hello Master <<First Name>>,
With all the hyper online communication going around,

at some point I was pretty sure that if I hear the words:

unknown, uncertain, unprecedented, difficult times,
swimming in completely uncharted waters
(you must admit it becomes very creative, doesn't it)
chaos, stressful, crisis - - -

even one more time,
with all the separation and the panic they initiate and spread,
I'm just going to scream.
However, I did realize that me screaming

is not going to make the circumstances more predictable,
at least not in the external reality.

(Besides, between us...
Was it even ever predictable or controllable.
Or only an illusion, a story that we tell ourself
to get some sense of stability?)

But, how about the internal one.
Where everything can be centered, relaxed, settled, known,
always and everywhere, at any time and space.


while we do have now the exceptional rare opportunity
for a deep comprehensive self examination,
and enormous personal reflection and growth;
For introspection and renewal -
be it at a retreat,
and as dedicated brave soul,
who creates a protective, compassionate, sustainable aura for all the others,  

still, meeting ourself in such an intense way,
and having that much of our normally hidden issues
coming to the surface,
can be triggering, challenging, overwhelming...
just too much to deal with.

Not to say, to act on,
and make significant liberating healing changes and developmental leaps.

And that if I really like to be of support and enabling,

I'd better, instead of making a screaming drama,
come up with some more facilitative ideas.


after calming down my sweet inner child
wrapping her in a hug that left outside all the scary words,
we slid into serenity and light,
letting grace to set its subtle, welcoming tone.

And came up with a variety of focused mind-relaxing cyberspaces,
that we thought might make easier for you
to figure out and go through this time
more grounded, balanced and clear.

Check them all out here and choose your best fit

There are longer, shorter, free, happy hour fees (yes, I DO miss the pub! (-:  )
private and together
and more is being planned.

You simply book online,
and we're good to Skype.

Click the picture:
Or get transported through here

And last invitation for today:

If you feel like getting inspired and empowered every day
with a short one liner message,
and share, discuss and support in a cozy and relaxed environment - 
you are at the right place <3

Join me at the Heal Your Reality WhatsApp group
See you there!
Keep taking a good care,

Sending love and health,
See you,

Is it time for you to get grounded, balanced and clear? Feel like keeping in a closer touch?

Join me at Heal Your Reality WhatsApp group
to get inspired, empowered, connected and supported

What else can I do for you?

I would love to hear how you're doing?
and how can I better serve you through this time?
Waiting to read from you here
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