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Sweet Dream In A Bag

May 2020

 Providing New Bedding,

Caring and Love to Children 

  Comments from some
Sweet Dream Families:

"I am so thankful for the beautiful bedding for my children, so they are able to sleep more soundly. That makes them more rested and happier!" 
My 3 yr. old said, "I LOVE THIS!" 
My 14 yr. old said, "I am so EXCITED!"

"My 4 yr. old reads his book to us!  He loves his stuffed animal and named it Fluffy and he wrote Fluffy's name in his book!  He LOVES that book!  The event was perfect.  All the volunteers were so nice!  The other families were nice.  We appreciate all you do.

One father wrote, "I loved having each of our eight children's names in their very own book!  The bedding was more than enough-I wouldn't change anything you are doing for children".  Thank You!  Thank You!"

What Sweet Dream is doing and the plans for moving ahead

 Sweet Dream have been gifting children with critical and emergency bedding needs by putting the bedding on our porch for case workers and teachers to pick-up and deliver.  Sweet Dream is thankful for the case workers and teachers that are aware and sensitive to these children's bedding needs.
Agencies with the help of their staff can optionally hold a gifting event whenever they choose. After a list of names are provided we would bring the bedding to agency in advance, with books already for gifting. Some of the differences from the normal event would be as follows:
   1. We would not be able to make personal contact (because of  our age and COV-19) with staff to unload the bedding, but we would place the bedding outside, so the staff could bring the bedding into the facility.   Another option would be for the agency to arrange for pickup in our garage or on our porch.
   2. We are not able to furnish volunteers or to stay for the gifting event at this time. Your staff and/or your volunteers would need to carry the bedding bags into the agency and to conduct the gifting/reading with the children.
   3. We will bring enough bedding for the event, but there won't be the large amount of extra bedding bags we normally bring.
   4. We cannot accept bedding bags back into our inventory and the agency would need to save and store any extras for their next event.

The bedding needs are even greater than before. Sweet Dreams hope is that this plan will make it possible to gift children so they may find the comfort and joy in their own new bedding!

Sweet Dream volunteers and donors are vitally  important to these children, their families and this Public Charity. Your help at Sweet Dream makes a happier life for them. We are waiting to start events because we want all the wonderful volunteers be safe and healthy.  Because of your hard work in the past, Sweet Dream in a Bag is thankful there is a generous amount of packed bedding bags.  Sweet Dream is able to continue gift children with bedding for many months before we need to re-start packing events.

Watch for information in the coming months about when it is safe for volunteers to come to Pack & Pray Events and Gifting Events. Sweet Dream is also waiting with you for the chance to meet with the kids and see their excitement.  This is a hard time for many, many families and the kids feel the stress their parents are under!  So just keep these kids in your hearts, thoughts and prayers!

Host a Drive: Collect bedding items such as: twin sheets sets, fitted crib sheets, tooth paste and tooth brushes (could be from dentists) and pillows.

Donate In-Kind Goods: Twin sheets sets, fitted crib sheets, Disney twin comforters, Dad & Mom's  Mugs, Bigalow Sweet Dream Tea Bags, Instant Starbucks coffee packets, toothpaste & toothbrushes. 

Donate Monetary Support: Provide a one time contribution or monthly support by PayPal (on Web-site: or mail checks to Sweet Dream in a Bag at 9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200, Suite 198, Littleton, CO 80129.

Donate Professional Services: Provide your social networking skills on Facebook, etc.

Batting - Queen size (at least medium thickness for fluffyness).  Cut into quarters for 4 quilts.
Backing - 1 2/3 yards (does not include border)
                 2 yds. (includes border)
Top -        1 2/3 yds. combined materials as wanted for pattern 2 yds. will include border
Border -    1/2 yd. - can be cut from either the backing material or the top material.
Joy -            in sewing and helping provide for precious babies and their mothers.

    Cut 63 - 6"X6" squares of combined fabric for desired pattern.  Arrange squares 7 rows wide and 9 squares long in desired pattern.  Sew together with 1/4" seams.  Press.  Cut 3" wide strips long enough for each side, top, and bottom.  Sew on. Press.  This will make the top 44" X 54".

    Lay down batting.  On top of batting place backing right side up.  Next place top wrong side up.  Sew 1/4" seams around all 4 sides, leaving a 12" opening for turning.  Trim edges as needed.  Turn right side out.  Sew Opening shut.  Top sew 1/4" seam around all edges.  Top stitch in the ditch of all the seams (stitch in the ditch) to secure the batting.  The completed quilt will be approximately 42" X 52".

Alternate sewing techniques:

Assembly:  sandwich back, batting, top and then bind the edges.  Either stitch in the ditch of all seams OR tie the quilt with yarn in the corners of all the blocks to secure the batting.
Panels. -    Use fabric panel with fun scene on it and add borders to make it 44" x 54".  Assemble with backing and batting.
Blocks -     Use any size, shape, or pattern that results in appropriate overall size of quilt.


Together we ARE making a difference!

You can donate $50 each month online:  
Your monthly donation gifts one child, living in poverty with their own new Sweet Dream Bedding to sleep in night after night, This donation gift would provide 12 children a year a warm and cozy place to sleep in every night!

Copyright @May2020 Sweet Dream In A Bag, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:  9249 S. Broadway, Unit 200, Suite 198, Littleton, CO  80129

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Sweet Dream In A Bag · 9249 S Broadway, Littleton, CO · Littleton, CO 80129 · USA

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