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TUESDAY  •  MAY 19, 2020
sleep mantra
via @shopbando
"Handle it? I'm a freakin' warrior queen!"
~ Jo Wilson, Grey's Anatomy
tonight's pick-me-ups

Things we're doing to unwind and get cozy before bed tonight: 

💃 Getting our groove on. Make fitness more fun by dancing like a pro with easy-to-follow moves. The shake, hip circles, and heel raises — here 👏 we 👏 go 👏

👚 Mixing business with leisure, literally. Born out of comfort and necessity,
biz-leisure consists of mixing comfort pieces with business attire. Think sports bras with blazers and sweatshirts tucked into trousers.

🍳 Serving up pretty, good eats. Read up on
these recipes from fashion designers that are as decadent as their designs. Carolina Herrera shares her family's delicious oatmeal cookies and Phillip Lim offers up his sophisticated salt and pepper shrimp. #noms

🌌 Following the signs of the time.
Discover how your zodiac sign can continue to make the most of quarantine. Bold Aries should try organizing a book club while creative Cancer should think about planting an herb garden. #selfcarefirst
mood: loafvia Pinterest
bedtime stories

Reads when you're up late anyway. Here are tonight's round-up for every occasion:

 CAREER  For when being quiet finally pays off ~ While introverts may seem more shy and less likely to take charge, they actually make for fantastic leaders: "There’s research that Adam Grant at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania did where he found that when you have a group of proactive and engaged employees, introverted leaders tend to deliver better outcomes than extroverts do. The reason is introverted leaders love to have an exchange of ideas. They want to listen to the ideas that their employees are bringing forward. Whereas if you are a leader who is more irrepressible or dominant by nature, you might sincerely want to know other people’s ideas but have a conversational style where you’re not getting them as much and you’re less likely to follow them because you tend to put your own stamp on things. It’s really a matter of being conscious of the places you can stretch yourself — and doing that by being yourself."

 SELF  For when you're feeling self-conscious ~ Zoom meetings, virtual happy hours, and digital first dates have us staring at our faces for hours at a time, which can lead to critical thoughts and more opportunities to pick apart our looks (i.e., don't): "In IRL conversations, we obviously don’t typically see our faces, and we don’t have the opportunity to pick ourselves apart. Compound this new online-only reality with the fact that our usual skin-care and makeup routines have become abbreviated and the overwhelming cultural acceptance of a filtered reality — due to social media’s glimmers of perfection — and it’s no wonder that the Zoom reflection is taking a toll ... With the advent of Instagram filters and Photoshopped perfection, many of us have been conditioned to expect more than what is inherently skin deep from our online personas. Even on Zoom with the push of a button, you can 'touch up my appearance,' which ever-so-subtly cues up the expectation that what is real is not good enough."

 CULTURE  For when you want a fresh take on history ~ Me: *patiently waits for Hamilton to drop.* If you're looking for something charming, satirical, and a tad sinister to watch in the meantime, look no further than Hulu's new original series The Great that's loosely based on the life of Catherine the Great: "Prepare to be both amused and deeply disturbed by the series. The 10-episode series is billed as 'an occasionally true story' and is very, very proud of being a satire. Some of the things that happen in it are true; many of the things that happen in it are not. Many, many of the things that happen in it are about badgers. It’s funny, revolting, and way too long. Like the 2019 Emma Stone – starring Oscar nominee The Favourite, which was also co-written by Tony McNamara, The Great bastardizes the history of European royals to give us a sh*t-streaked gold mirror to view our own grotesque behavior. It has the jokes-per-second ratio as Veep, the aesthetic of Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette, and enough violence and sex to make Game of Thrones look like Blue’s Clues."

 WELLNESS  For when it's time to embrace your boredom ~ Having nothing to do seems like a dream until that dream turns into a several months long nightmare. However, coming to terms with these feelings is precisely how you can overcome them: "Boredom is incredibly uncomfortable. Commonly experienced as irritable restlessness, boredom is something people will go to great lengths to avoid ... In this sense, boredom is a motivating force, which is how researchers differentiate it from depression. But boredom serves its purpose only when we don’t immediately quash it, when we take a beat to see where our mind goes when it’s trying to evade the feeling. A wandering mind can do so many things. To shake the feeling, we have to cope with the discomfort of facing ourselves, in order to find the things that actually engage us. Boredom is an opportunity to grow through getting to know yourself better, to see new facets of old faces, and to be surprisingly delighted by sameness."
sounds for sweet dreams
Cyn ~ Drinks
community board

Spreading stay home joy with asks, gives, shout-outs, and suggestions from within our community. All submissions welcomed!

  • 🍞 "Everyone is raving about sourdough right now, but brioche is so much better. I make mine with this recipe, yes from GBBO." ~ Natalie K.

last stop to dreamland

Need motivation? Try the '5-minute task' technique. Convince yourself to spend five minutes (time it) on a task. You can stop after five minutes are up. This technique helps get the momentum going, making it easier to continue.

via Reddit
☁️🌛 Goodnight and go tuck yourself ☁️

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